Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/11/08/fish-has-a-human-like-face.html
I wouldn’t drink the water.
Poor fish.
This should have been the first post and shame on the people who came before you…
Remind me where that image came from? Because that’s exactly what I was thinking off , but then I couldn’t recall.
Came for this reference, glad someone posted it already
came here for the reference, wasnt disappointed. thnx.
Anyone brainwashed by the antics of Monty Python enjoy similar knee jerk reaction.
It’s a kind of forced evolution. Like the Heikegani, or Samurai Crab (also from Japan).
Superstitious fisherman catch a fish (or crab) that sorta looks like it has markings resembling a face, and throw it back. Over decades, or centuries, the fish/crab that looks most human survive and mate, while the ones that look less human do not.
Yes. Of course. Thank you. I remember how everyone was disturbed at the time.
Tourists in China recorded a video of an unusual-looking fish. A woman can be heard on the video saying “See the fish has become a fairy, it has a human-like face.”
C’mon, China. Really. See what happens when you snort powdered rhino horn?
Pareidolia. Sorry.
Sorry, kids. None of that Disney bullshit. This is what Ariel really looked like.