Originally published at: Five reasons why Trump is still fighting to keep his tax returns hidden | Boing Boing
- He listed “sold top-secret documents to Vladimir Putin” as one of his primary sources of income from 2017-2021.
- To maintain his reputation for not keeping his promises.
I don’t think 2, 3 and 5 are things he would bother to hide. It makes him smart and everyone who can would do the same and all that.
My four reasons
- He’s guilty of tax fraud
- He’s guilty of bank fraud
- He’s guilty of money laundering
- He took a shitload of bribes while president
Because he’s a dick?
#4 wouldn’t be on his tax forms, though.
It’s absolutely the first one. Trump has such a fragile ego, he sued Tim O’Brien for libel because O’Brien reported Trump wasn’t as wealthy as he claimed to be. It’s the one thing that consistently gets under his skin.
I heard it’s more like a chode: wider than it is tall.
- He’s been writing off the spray tans and hairplugs as business expenses
- He invested too heavily in Twitter.
This. It’s the one thing that Trump has used to buttress his entire facade within his psyche. If that facade crumbles, his supporters may not care (they are mostly poor themselves) but it will matter to Trump who has no other scaffold from which to hang his ego.
- Because he doesn’t think the law applies to him.
You don’t think the IRS has a form for that? Just because it might be legally or ethically dubious doesn’t mean it’s not taxable.
The IRS having a tax form for a particular form of illegal income has no bearing on whether or not Trump would have filed it as required.
There’s also the possibility that the income he reports to the IRS varies widely from what he claims on loan applications. Lying on a bank loan application is a federal crime all by itself.
Re: #1, he will be discovered to have negative net worth…
And, re: #4, he will be discovered to have been in hock to the Russian Mafia for far longer than anyone imagined; we all know who runs the Russian Mafia…
There should be no doubt as to why he ignored the Emoluments Clause.
I think @KarlS is spot on about the others.
He hates being called stupid, too.
So far, he’s pretty much been right about that, his whole life.
I think he would have been killed in prison long ago, if he hadn’t been a rich man’s pup.
Maybe those chicken flocks will come home to roost, at last.
No matter what his tax returns show he’s already set it up so his followers will believe everything is made up by the democrats.
Sadly, hangings are no longer legal for capital punishment, so the treason he’s probably committed would not be usable scaffold to be hung from.