Fiverr's new recruiting ad promises to literally work you to death


Hah…great minds think alike!


Thank you so much!

All props to the creator (@nimelennar), who responded to my envious appreciation of their own version:


Well, yes, or I should say it’s destroying what I used to do as a freelancer. For many years, I built up a very large stable of indie musicians for whom I was doing steady album covers, logos, print ads, business cards, tour merchandise, and the occasional website. Fiverr and other similar sites let broke musicians buy super-cheap design templates and super-cheap freelance work that undercuts people like myself. I absolutely had to find an entirely new freelance path and client stable when sites like Fiverr started becoming more popular.


Oh, I missed that. They were too small.


Affogato with a shot on the side. Feels good, man.


“Wage slave is soo late 19th century. Let’s have piece-work slaves instead.” --Without even realizing that piece work is an even earlier form of exploitation.


I was kind of hoping you were going to say you had it done through fiverr.


That is an excellent point. We are back to the dawn of the industrial age.


You can’t, of course - it’s just demonstrating the kind of cognitive dissonance that comes with this kind of “lifestyle.”


I just bid jobs higher when pants are required, but the upcharge for putting on shoes and combing my hair, that’s where I really weed out the cheapskates.


BTW nothing against the model, but yea, right, I’m sure a person that thinks “sleep deprivation is their drug of choice” will look a lot less glamorous and pretty and relaxed, and a lot more like they aged 50 years in the last 5 days and are barely managing to not have a mental breakdown.


Ironically, as many know, I appreciate fashion. However my hair is a den of thieves, scallywags, and misanthropes.


Hardly - we’re being pushed back to pre-feudal. For all it’s evil, feudal society at least pretended that them on top owed something to everyone below. The aim of the powerful these days is to revert all the way back to warlord despotism.


I probably don’t wanna know… But who the fuck pays $5 for a logo?!


[quote=“Humbabella, post:25, topic:96738”]
I guess Fiverr is hoping they can find people who feel similarly about being economically oppressed?
[/quote]You misunderstand. They are glorifying the virtue of “hard work” through the lens of “you only work hard if you are literally killing yourself to do it” which is romanticized by many people. They are making the people sending work emails 24/7 feel good about themselves, and at the same time promoting the idea that starving yourself is also an aspirational goal. I don’t think it is related to socio-economic class at all, in fact only a smugly well-paid person approve this advertisement for release.


You’re a slave that somehow still looks like a model?


You should see how attractive people who make their living by participating in experimental drug trials are!


The kind of people who like to tell designers that the Nike logo only took 15 minutes, think that owning a copy of Publisher (kill me now) makes a person a designer, and calls web developers asking for things like “a site just like facebook, but better, can you do that by next week? I can’t pay you, but you’ll get a cut of the profits”.

In other words, assholes.


The same people who want people to do long, hard work for “the exposure” I guess.

If people were calculating the cost of their CC bill plus the price of replacing their computer every three years, divided by how many of these projects they could do in a month and adding at least three times minimum wage for their time*they’d be saying “yeah, for five bucks I can open Illustrator for you.”

* It’s not meant to be 3x minimum wage. It should be 3x what you can expect to make doing the same thing full time for a company as an employee. Gist is taxes (in the US, self employed people pay both income tax and employer tax … roughly 30%), down time from not drumming up enough gigs, time spent drumming up business, and time spent doing necessary but non-paid work like minor revisions and accounting. Not saying you can get the work at those prices but I think employed folks should try for it. At those wages, you might not need to factor in CC bill and computer replacement. I haven’t done creative work in a freelance capacity, only computer repair and programming so I’ll defer to people who have experience on billing for creative stuff. :laughing: