Flesh eating bacteria that causes genitals to "rot away" pops up in the UK

Well after Donovanisis there’ll be nothing left to Catch the Wind.



When I first heard of it, I fancied it an ear disease caused by listening, over and over again, to the worst Donovan song ever.


A competitive field, despite a few absolute corkers, too.


Well, this is somewhat darker than Dr. E. Henry Thripshaw’s disease.

Mongoose is gone.

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And it’s not just your goose that’s gone, is it, eh?
(But if that’s what you call yours … well, ‘chacun à son goût’, as they say, or ‘every man has his goose’.)

On the bright side though, with the genitals being gone, there is less chance for contracting further venereal disease. (I am not a medical doctor, so this benefit may or may not be real.)

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Ebola virus was first identified near the Ebola River.
Zika virus was first identified near the Ziika Forest.

Wikipedia is your friend. :wink:



I spent too much time researching this.

The disease’s proper name is Granuloma inguinale. It gets the name of Donovanosis from the presence of Donovan bodies in the active stages of the disease. Donovan bodies are named after a person: Charles Donovan, Irish physician, 1863-1951

It is customary to capitalize diseases that have a name derived from a proper noun (i.e., a name, place, whatever.)

Acronyms aside, you are correct, other diseases (such as cancer) should not be capitalized.


Correctness aside, there’s still no need for people to act like dickheads about it.


Eh, I remember cancer being called 'The Big ‘C’" around the 60’s or possibly earlier. Quite possibly it was actually sometimes spelled with a capital C around then.


I guess I’m just used to seeing it capitalized, because I know more than a few survivors. And despite the fact that it’s off topic, English is still weird with the way ‘the rules’ work.

And now I really am done commenting in this thread, because I have no interest in discussing the actual topic at hand, and even less in looking at the pics that seem to be grossing so many folks out.


The constellation and the astrological sign are capitalized :thinking:

Isn’t that just a garden-variety proper noun treatment?


Eddie Murphy predicted this in 1983:

Indeed, indeed.


The whole nitpicking over fucking grammar on a message board that isn’t dedicated to fucking grammar is really getting tiresome. I mean, who fucking CARES if it’s not a professional piece of fucking writing.


First, there is a mountain, then there is no mountain…

That’s a silver lining I hadn’t considered. Your pants are less likely to pinch as well. All the same, I would rather pass.

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