Flip open a butterfly knife like a gentleman bastard

As a bladesmith. I look at those colourings and think… There is NO WAY that knife is good for anything except putting on a shelf to look pretty.
Assuming those are tempering colours, you have got a mix of good temper to bad temper along the blade. This knife will not hold an edge, and will likely break if you tried to use it for anything meaningful.
Which given that it’s a butterfly knife is probably good. But yeah… Crap quality knife that looks pretty.


Generally speaking, a balisong’s meant for shivving a stool pigeon in the derby kelly, innit. Followed by a quick wipedown and a drop into the bread an butter. I’s not meant to replace yer white #2 wa gyuto, earwig?


… I have honestly no idea what you just said. Seriously. I’m guessing prison slang. Based purely on the rhyming slang. But… I got nothing.
If it is prison slang, then replace “Butterfly knife” with “pretty Shiv”

Actually better for self defence: don’t live in a part of the world where seemingly everyone believes that any and all disputes, accidental bumpings, and insults to one’s honour needs to be resolved by weapons, thereby not requiring the citizens obviating the need to always have weapon on their person.

No, I don’t carry a knife with me all the time, nor a gun.


It means you’re about as likely to find a finely crafted balisong as you are to find an heirloom quality switchblade or streetsweeper. They’re the Saturday Night Specials of blades; the design brief specifies affordable disposability over quality.

I’m sure there are exceptions, but if you know enough to discern them you don’t need Youtube to show you how to use them.

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Right? And that was jackknives and waaaay younger!

Sounds like Cockney rhyming slang to me.


I carry a small “assisted opening” knife all the time because I started carrying one at work. We were on a call that was a teen suicide and when we broke into the room I grabbed the victim’s body and took the weight off the rope they’d hung themselves with. My partner whipped out his knife and cut the rope. From then on I always carried a very sharp knife. I don’t show it off and it’s only coming out as a tool when needed. It’s not a toy or for show.


Who actually needs one of these?

Well, I don’t actually need Boing Boing, but I like it. Same thing for butterfly knives, except there actually are many circumstances when opening and closing a knife one handed is very useful.

Such as?

I’m not trying to be flip, here.

Paratrooper knife:

My grandfather owned a switchblade that was issued by the US Military (but not to him because he wasn’t a paratrooper).

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Anytime you are holding something with one hand.

One of the biggest causes of knife accidents is not putting it away, out of your hand, as you continue to work. Re-sheathing a fixed blade knife single handedly can be dangerous - much safer to put away a closed folder.



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