Florida car lot full of vandalized cybertrucks

It appears I have lost the consensus, but it is ok to both dislike Elon and dislike vandalism, they aren’t mutually exclusive. And I’ve never seen a fascist become less so because someone vandalized their stuff.

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They don’t become less fascist when you punch their face either.

But it’s still both fun and virtuous.


Punching them in the face is fun and virtuous. We can at least agree on that.


Do you think they become MORE fascist because someone vandalized their stuff? I’d suggest that their just a fascist either way, but now they have vandalized stuff and maybe others are made aware of their shittiness?


… maybe they’ve started already


maybe sorta? as an example, getting punched in the face was the best thing that ever happened to richard spencer ( well, for all of us anyway. )

sure he’s no less a nazi than he was, but he became significantly less dangerous. i think when violent rhetoric and violent actions have consequences, we all benefit. materially.

now, i’d rather there was a tv-b-gone off switch for elon’s vehicle of conspicuous consumption, but if somebody’s wanting to apply some spray paint… as a tactic, it might help


Could this be an insurance scam? Can’t sell these clunkers, so Elon puts them on an unguarded lot certain to be damaged/destroyed. He collects the insurance and never fixes the trucks, all write-offs.

Buzz around town when the first one showed up here the other week. Silly things.

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Just like the Edsel!

Edsels were considered overhyped, unattractive […], and low quality.

Bonus: Ford was also an anti-Semite. The parallels, they are uncanny.


Nah, the “fuck elon” spray paint could only enhance the value of the vehicles.

It’s not complicated.

  1. After washing, rinse with clean water to prevent soap from drying on the surfaces.
  2. Dry thoroughly with microfiber cloths (ensure the cloths are clean of sand, dirt, rocks, etc.), one in each hand, rotating in circular motions until the surface is dry.

Water dries out more quickly in the sun. They want you to rinse it and then dry the clean water off before it can evaporate, because that could leave stains/corrosion.

If anything, the spray paint is likely to protect the panels, which will be a novel experience for them.

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