Florida deputies in shootout with 12- and 14-year-old children who ran away from religious foster home. Sheriff says pair are "evil"


“As a result of this event, we will be placing a moratorium on our campus Emergency Shelter Care program for the next 30 days and then will cease to provide that service until such time if/when that we feel that we can do so in a safe manner for the children coming into care and simultaneously protect our staff,” McTyer said.

At this juncture, the level of children who are being sent to us through Emergency Shelter care at times is beyond the scope of our capabilities to provide the care required and limits who we can serve as part of our mission.

So the problem is the kids are too fucked up to be helped? Is this really the lesson of this shitstorm?


More that resources are strained, and employees are being tasked to do the mental health work they were not trained to do, and with little support, in order to maintain an operating budget.


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