All of this is interconnected. Gender essentialism is a key component of white, patriarchal supremacy, and that means both keeping cisgendered women suppressed, and eliminating trans people.
It’s a nice thought, but public restrooms in the US are often so shoddily built, let alone maintained, that you’re lucky some doors close at all, let alone lock. I’ve seen some where the doors go almost to the floor, and built in such a way that there is essentially no way to peek though, but those are few and far between.
So, while properly built and maintained restrooms would help people feel safer, punching fascists (not necessarily literally) also helps.
no, no, do it literally. the punching fascists.
I agree with @FloridaManJefe
Punching nazis in a virtual way is not properly satisfying.
As much as I like that poem, I’ve always found it disappointing queer people were left out.
Considering the amount of times that the far right have tried to co-opt this song, I don’t think they will wake up. The TERs are probably claiming it right now.
So, have a picture of Manic Street Preacher’s bassist Nicky Wire in a dress
There are many more like it.
That “some of us” sometimes comes as a pair.
Just how fucked we are that eliminating “slavery is bad” from education is a higher priority.
It’s more like a triad. Racism, sexism and queerphobia is the anti-woke agenda.
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