Florida man asks deputy for directions, gets them to jail when cocaine found

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/02/12/florida-man-asks-deputy-for-di.html

The deputy said the inebriated man initially refused a breath test, saying: “You didn’t pull me over. I pulled you over.”


Dang Florida Man, you been busy this week. Take a day off…


Someone’s being a real Negative Nellie, here. We should focus on the positive. Look how quickly they were able to manufacture, assemble, and distribute these kits. It’s a huge logistical success! And I think that’s worth focusing on at least as much as whether the kits actually work.

Agreed. Florida man has broken away from the rest of the slothful rednecks like the Energizer Bunny. Must be all the cocaine residue left over from the Tony Montana days back in the eighties.

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Oh, where exactly do I find that “residue”? Asking for a friend…

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Hmm…it’s been some time since I’ve had contact with the keys, but I’d guess Disney World might be a good place to start. Just tell your friend to follow the Caddy with the perpetual left turn signal on and when he arrives ask for “Tink”.


OMG! Is that what that powder on her wand is?


From Wikipedia:
“She has been featured…sprinkling pixie dust with a wand in order to shower a magical feeling over various other Disney personalities…”

Need I say more?


I tink so…

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He MIGHT have been able to pull that off if he had delivered the line with confidence and the officer had been Elmer Fudd.

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