I’ll bet he went to the trouble of bringing and wearing a proper mask just to board the plane, only to swap it out for underwear once aboard…just to be an asshole.
Firebirds, the greatest nic cage film of all time.
In the right? Yeah, the far right. The reality-denying, liberty-taking far right. Sounds about right. Right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A NIOSH/CDC study (PDF) found that valved 95s work to protect others as source control just as well as cloth or surgical masks. That because of two things, A) cloth and surgical masks suck at source control, and should only be used as a stop gap measure if respirator grade masks are not available. And B) the cross section of the N95 valve is small, so only some of the exhaled air goes out through the valve port, the rest goes through the filter media.
FWIW, a functionally equivalent get up would normally be 3 layers of panties, i.e. a layer of panties made out of something like tote bag fabric sandwiched between a couple of layers of cotton panties. He’d still come off like a jackass even if the air gaps were about the same as a cloth mask or surgical mask and not at all like the thong underwear he tried to pull off, but, whatever. (-‸ლ)
It was probably a mesh thong, and if it wasn’t this time it would be the next time.
I’ve gotten a bunch of ads on Facebook for “breathable” masks made out of mesh (like football jerseys with that cloth with the holes in it) for right wing mask slackers to use for the kind of malicious compliance in the OP. Amusingly enough, the obvious code worded ads were too subtle for most of the anti-mask crowd to get, and there were angry “I’ll never wear a face diaper!” posts by all the ones who didn’t get it. Still, those fake masks that will kill people make my blood boil and I think the company owner should be sued for fraud at the very least, and negligent homicide if anyone dies of Covid after coming into contact with a slacker wearing one of them since they were intentionally designed not to filter.
I’m not familiar with the lingerie market. Is this considered a comfortable choice?
Nah, it’s probably women’s underwear because then he’s a stud amirite?
If it was men’s undies, he’s either a gross slob with underwear on his face (which is the case regardless), or maybe (heaven forbid) it’s a little gay because maybe it’s not his underwear…
Gotta be a manly stud and explain to people that he has the seks with vaginas.
If absurdity was the point, as claimed, he could have just worn a full head spiderman mask, or a rubber Richard Nixon mask etc…
I’m reminded of a seasonal variant to WINTER WONDERLAND:
“We’re strolling along / Singing our song / Walking 'round in women’s underwear,” la la la.
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