Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/12/01/following-swingers-convention-41-attendees-test-positive.html
“If I could go back in time, I would not produce this event again,”
Go back in time from where? 1974?
It’s not like health officials were hiding what would happen if you have a large gathering asshole (not you, obviously, @pesco, I mean the jerk who organized this event). In fact, the CDC guidance has been pretty clear for a while now…
Who, other than everyone, could have foreseen this outcome?
This is why we’re fucking doomed.
As it were.
No way, had to be a fluke.
My wife showed me a video of people in line for some sort of communion thing at a church, where everyone was wearing masks until they took them off to take a spoonful of whatever… From a common spoon!
Some of us are too dumb to live, and sadly we’re hellbent on taking others with us. What a species.
I just realised I don’t know (but also don’t want to google): does “swingers” imply “orgies”, or is it just one-on-one partner-swapping? Because if the whole point of this was to have 40-way gang bangs to elevator jazz, then the organisers can’t even pretend they meant to do it “safely”.
Anyway, if sex conventions are still going ahead, I at least hope someone is gathering all that priceless data. Do gimp outfits reduce coronavirus transmission or not?
Depends on where the zippers are.
“I told my wife it would be a very positive experience for the both of us. . . and it was . . . just not in the way I intended.”
Yuck . . . elevator jazz? That’s disgusting!
I would have thought Corona was the least of their worries when it comes to communicable viruses.
Not saying this wasn’t dumb, and yet light-years ahead of most churches, so make what you will of that.
Million-dollar business idea.
Hm. That infection rate is not bad compared to some comparable size wedding spreader events.
By the way, “N’awlins”? Puh-leeze
It does seem relevant that we’re talking about a community that, at baseline, accepts a higher risk of a number of communicable diseases as an acceptable cost of participating.
Maybe next time they’ll hold the event outdoors. I’m sure that will help.
From what I understand, Swinging is more one hetero couple finding another hetero couple for some degree of sextual interaction. In an environment described, they are probably lots of people who are just meeting and socializing in common areas and going to one of the couple’s hotel rooms.
So it might just be masks off with one new couple (maybe per night), plus whatever time with maskless for drinks, etc. Not that it helps. It’s not like a large maskless political rally, but far less safe than staying home with the same constant group of people (a touchy, flirty environment trying to find that special pair of someones is still a lot of close body contact, even with masks on. Someone scratches an itch under their mask, touches someone’s hand. That person wipes their eyes, etc.)
The idea that “fuck it, it’s our last day so let’s forgo protection” is a common thought in this group makes me think they’re in line for more issues than just covid.
Gives “we’re fucked” a whole new meaning.