Food magazine editor resigns after joking about "killing vegans, one by one"

Right? And the fish case? Yeesh!


This might have a little something to do with it:

The supermarket has made a big push into vegan food this year and announced a new range of vegan products for its stores earlier this month, including vegan Christmas meals.


I do eat fish on occasion (stopped being full vegetarian about 15 years ago). My handy rule of thumb is “if you can smell it, it’s not fresh - do not purchase.”


Why? MSG is vegan (depending on the production process of course). I know lots of vegans who love MSG. As long as you are not (psychosomatically or otherwise) allergic to it it’s just another useful spice, like salt & sugar.

I find it can help a lot in spicing up otherwise bland vegetarian dishes of this (admittedly not very good) cook.


I’ve noticed hints of this anti-vegan attitude in other commercial food 'zines and food websites too.


Like EVERY group, there are a few who can’t STFU and who make everyone else in the group look bad as a result.


Bland? I know everyone says vegetarian food is bland, but strong sweet, salty, and spicy flavors all come from plants.

You might like, say, chicken, eggs, and butter, but they’re not exactly… zesty.


I agree that is weird. Though I’ve never actually heard anyone disparage people for eating veggie burgers and the like.

I personally LOVE MSG. What I’m saying is when I eat Pizza Hut pizza I literally can taste MSG. Not umami, but the actual glutamate salt in the crust and in the cheese – I can also taste soy in the cheese.

I guess I’m an MSG snob.

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Yeah, I have no doubt such people exist, but that’s only because they exist in all sorts of communities… there is always that ONE asshole who makes the rest of whatever group look like a bunch of jerks… but I’ve never met a vegan like that, personally, and even if I did, I certainly wouldn’t assume that represent the entire group of people who identify as “vegan”.


Yeah, neither are most vegans.


Yeah, whatever.




Oh, you! :wink:


@joey_bladb Hahahaha! Silly omnivore! I mock the way the commercial food industry has programmed your understanding of vegan cheese. Muhwahahahahahaha!

Featuring vegan:

  • camembert
  • sharp cheddar
  • gruyère
  • chèvre with red wine reduction
  • chèvre with fresh fines herbes
  • sage darby
  • mozzarella di tuscani
  • dill havarti
  • smoked gouda

Bonus round!

  • vegan buffalo mozarella in balsamic reduction with Thai basil

@Footface And, no, the hyper-processed repackaged tofu stuff you buy in the store, or even the nicer stuff by Kite Hill or Miyoko Schinner doesn’t come close to this.


You should quote everything relevant :smile:

I still don’t really like this. It can’t be buffalo mozzarella and vegan. I get it, you could say the same for the mozzarella itself. But still…

It’s a fine line between false advertising and description.

(I don’t pretend to know the solution to this particular quagmire)


I think the issue is that there is often social pressure to eat particular things, no one will take no for an answer, unless you have an explanation. As soon as you explain, then suddenly you’re viewed as obnoxious. It’s a real catch 22. I was a vegetarian for 30 years, never vegan though. Now I eat meat, but I was diagnosed with Celiac… I can’t win. I would love to start a social movement of allowing people to say “No thanks” to food without harassment or explanation.


Strong selection bias at work there. The issue there is simply that the really insufferable vegans are so insufferable, and all the other vegans no one notices.


If there’s no milk then it isn’t cheese, dammit!
I’m not saying they won’t be tasty, and they look pretty good, count me in, but they ain’t cheese.

Could be worse, some people think hotdogs are meat… :face_vomiting:


Could be worse some people think ketchup is a proper condiment for hotdogs. :scream:


My wife made vegan cheese. Real cultured cheese, it was great. You can’t make hard cheese, but milk is just a medium and cheese can be made from other substances. Maybe it’s the difference between mass-produced and home-made? Check this out:

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