Football coach placed own penis in hot dog bun, say teens

When you put it that way… Is there an application one might fill out? Asking for a friend.


Wow. You almost make high school football coach seem like a real dream job…



Actually, not much of a health risk because everyone gets tested regularly and they tend to date in the business, so their risks are kept low. Though I have read about actors who go out side the “circle”, catch something, and then bring it to work.

Which is the opposite of how the world usually works (you catch something at work that sends you home.)


I understand that STD’s are not the only way in which one’s body might be comprimised, depending on who you are and what “role” you might be in.

But it must vary with each preformer, as with anything else.

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“Actors” huh? I’m just considering the odds. A quick google search indicates they get tested about once a month. I don’t know if that’s a full panel of STD tests, but even if they’re only filming one sex scene a week (which seems low) that’s four people each of them had (probably unprotected) sex with, and at least sixteen partners by extension, since the last test panel. And frankly I doubt that monthly test thing is rigorously enforced. Even if it is, you occasionally read news stories about porn performers who worked for years with a major STD such as AIDS, so clearly the tests aren’t foolproof or there’s ways around them.

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The things you learn from Monty Python


Stranger still is that he thinks hot dog length is the standard for a monster cock.

Who also have penii, I reckon. Privately coming on to little boys is not a good career move. But what if they were taking a group pee, as I’ve heard some of you fellows do?

You mean when it’s not for jelly fish stings?


This is not normal behavior.

And by the way, when I said it’s not the worst thing in the world, I mean at least he didn’t rape any of them… this time.

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I confess I am not an expert, not really a great fan of the porn industry, but like I said outside of work they are either using protection or keeping it within circles who are also regularly tested. IIRC CA is pretty strict with their state laws on enforcement. Yes lots of sex with lots of people generally opens you to more risk, but so does driving your car at 100 mph. But both activities can be done relatively safetly in the right environments with the proper precaution.

Like I said, I recall 5 years ago or so someone who screwed up and spread something around, and the reason it made the news was because most people in the biz are professional about.


Never had one of those. Though in Kindergarden they made us take scheduled potty breaks two at a time.

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To each their own. Just not my dream job.

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As long as there has been the chance to hold two appropriately sized soft and pliable objects in ones’ hands… this thing has been going on.

I thought this was just like ‘at his own home, Football Coach blah blah put his penis in a hot dog bun and told people about it later’, not ‘man exposes himself to teenagers’.

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OH I agree. Don’t want to make a hobby into a job.


Or that anyone would still want to eat anything he might be cooking.


Group pees? Where is that a thing? I have never heard of this. Note – not that I want to attend a group pee, just curious what you’re talking about.


Seems like a dangerous thing to do ‘while grilling’.

“Hey there coach; looks a little under-done. Back on the grill?”


The school system has different bun/no bun policies. I think that’s where the confusion is.