Football coach placed own penis in hot dog bun, say teens

Better cut it in two just to be sure

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He’d have to take a number.

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In Trump’s hotel room.

You got my laugh.


What’s this about Penn State?


Group pee sounds like it comes right before group dump, possibly. This must be stopped well before. I now won’t use any men’s room with more than one urinal. That’s final.

That’s it of course. Give him a slap on the wrist and he might feel emboldened to do worse next time.

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Smart move these days. Stick to anonymous leaks.


I agree that it was not good judgement. But I am surprised that nudity would be a big deal in this context. My guess would be that people who play organized sports together would often see each other naked as a matter of course. Apparently not.

Any football players who can comment?

I shouldn’t laugh. I really shouldn’t. I shall adopt this face from here on out.


Spokane. What did we say about this sort of behavior?


Something something bite reflex needing crowbar to pry the jaw sapart. something. shawshank. somethingsomething.


Not a football player but I am a lap swimmer and the place I swim at is heavily used by local swim teams basically whenever school isn’t in session. At this place, kids do not change in front of each other – they wrap themselves in their towel, pull the shorts off with towel still on, then put their boxers, then the towel comes off. When I was a kid that would have brought on instant ridicule. This is a sample space of one. And before any snarky comments … no this doesn’t disappoint me. It’s just something that you can’t not notice. Especially because when I first started going, I avoided being there when kids were because I didn’t want to the creepy old guy in the locker room when 30+ kids were in various stages of naked. Turns out I had nothing to worry about.


Locust Valley Lockjaw?

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That sounds terrible.

“Heh. Boys will be boys.”

“Yeaaah, see that’s a big part of the problem here…”

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Extremely so.

"locust Valley lockjaw
Affected tone of voice commonly heard in Locust Valley , New York by
wealthy residents of the community. They speak
with little movement of their lower jaw.
Katherine Hepburn in a bad mood, or Jim Backus on Gilligans Island display
some traits of this speech pattern.
Mimi, have you seen the keys to the Bently? I thought I might nip over to
Piping for a spot of Golf."
Urban Dictionary


Got it!, like William Buckley pontificating.


Ouch! Stop that!


It’s hardly an invitation-only affair. I mean, I guess if you wanted to attend one at Boheimian Grove, but, I digress. I was just thinking, you’re hiking along, you say to the guys, might as well stop and have a pee, a few other guys say, yeah, I need it too, and sooner than you think everyone’s airing their birds, and having a leak. Kind of like the “Who’s Next?” album cover.