For Madison Cawthorn, defining "woman" is simple: it's all about the "tallywacker"

… not even 50? /rimshot


It’s like he is channeling the Landover Baptist Church. Yeesh.

What We (God) Believes for those who don’t know this wondrous parody site that often fools real Christians into frothing outrage.


He’s trying so hard to be smart, but…

Lots of fun info showing that even sex determination is far more complicated than Madison thinks:

Methinks that “Maddy” may have some fundamental insecurities (maybe because the only people I know with the first name “Madison” are other elementary school girlfriends of GirlChild…)

And is he having a hissy about sex determination or gender? It’s so weird that anyone even has the energy to care about any of this shit. You’re a woman? Great. You’re a man? Fine. You don’t identify as either? Ok also good. You have a penis? Ok. You have a vagina? Ok. You have something else? Medically interesting, but ok. You have two penises? Also medically interesting, but ok. I have trouble seeing why anyone cares/it’s anyone’s business what sex or gender anyone is, or what they have in their pants unless you’re in an intimate relationship. And, I’m not in intimate relationships with almost everyone I come across, so…


Expecting these loons to understand anything is expecting too much of them.


Busch Beer GIF by Busch


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