Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/07/12/shocked-shocked-i-tell-you.html
Carla Provost :
What an asshole; I hope her bad karma is cruel and swift.
How can a person have such an enormous head, but it STILL looks too small for their body?
Maybe I’m being dense, but what does the title of the Facebook group “I’m 10-15” actually mean?
It is from a Border Patrol radio code for having someone in custody.
Ahh makes sense! Thanks!
I was going to ask if the Facebook thumb was the only thing shooped in that photo, since her physical proportions look so weird.
Let’s not personal appearance enter into our judgment of this person. That’s an objectifying marker racists and others use.
People come in many shapes, colors, and sizes…none of which determine how big an asshole one turns out to be.
She’s an asshole strictly because of her horrible actions, words and behavior.
She is a despicable person, IMO; IDGAF what she looks like.
Agreed. You were merely identifying, not objectifying.
While this argument makes a valid point about sensitivity, I doubt that pointing out this horrifically proportioned bigot’s actions and attitudes toward her much abused charges will have the desired effect.
I’m not parsing what you mean. The effect of removing her from her station or from CPB entirely? If that’s what you mean, I doubt it, too.
Aye, far from my most tasteful comment, tho for what it’s worth it was less judgement of her character, and more of a naive “”
Her character, I feel, speaks for itself.
Come on in the culture is fine.
…and no one was surprised.
no matter which way you cut the trump administration you hit shit.
So far it looks like those involved have only received paid vacations as a result of their activities.
It’s like the opposite of King Cake/Rosca de Reyes.