And of the several people I’ve know who were actually physically harmed by family members as kids, the perpetrators never faced legal consequences and very few social consequences. We as a society are very far from institutionalizing people for inappropriate talk no matter how extreme.
The rich do indeed get away with more than regular folks but many people fail to remember just how much men in general still get away with and how much worse it was in the very recent past.
I know it’s too late, but I’ll just shut up next time I find parallels among slime ball people in power, while overlooking the trauma that people within and without this forum have experienced. Please accept my apology.
Yeah, there is that, too, but I think Trump doesn’t always know when he’s saying something outrageous/disgusting which will make him look bad.
In Trump’s case, the institution I’m assuming he’d end up in is prison. He’s spent his entire life doing crimes and can’t/won’t stop himself from saying fucked-up shit that includes confessions - only the family wealth has protected him from consequences. I’ve known guys like Trump - going to jail, coming out and being creepy dudes talking about their crimes until their luck ran out and they went back to jail, and so on.
There’s nothing about the behaviour of Trump that surprises me. It could turn out he was behaving like Buffalo Bill and I doubt it would illicit much more than a sigh; his colossal assholery is so colossally next-level that it’s unfathomable to a normie like me. Like trying to comprehend the finances of someone like Musk when you’re working minimum wage; there’s no point.
But a rogue Frauenfelder error? That’s different. That’s news.