Just here to take the piss. Gotcha.

Just here to take the piss. Gotcha.
Brick, glass house etc.
Fairly sure there’s a BB article of two on the subject that I’m currently too drunk to look up. In any case, it’s really just adding to the Kilamanjaro- sized pile of facts that make me say “Evanglelists…. Umm. This guy??? Really?
Donald Trump wants to f*ck his own daughter, and yet his sycophants still worship him. Can we just push all Republicans into the sea already and just be done with them?
…a second Trump term could be far worse.
“Could be”??
It’ll be worse than can be imagined… after all, his first time around, many of us knew it would be bad, but, holy fuck!
… we’re considering electing him to the presidency again."
Well, some people certainly are.
I’m certainly not.
The prospect of another 500 years [at least] of Lord Dampnut is not something I want to contemplate.
He should plead diminished capacity/insanity
“Evanglelists…. Umm. This guy??? Really?
Probably big fans of the part where Lot knocks up his own daughters (of course Lot himself was blameless for that incident since he was drunk and his daughters were sexy temptresses).
(of course Lot himself was blameless for that incident since he was drunk and his daughters were sexy temptresses)
In the biblical story Lot is blameless because getting it on is his older daughter’s idea, not his. Having escaped the Big G’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and the girls hole up in a cave. The elder daughter feels the urge to carry on the family line. There are no men around so she proposes to her sister that they sleep with the old man. They deliberately get Lot drunk and the older daughter does the deed. The next day she tells Sis it’s her turn. Lot is so hammered each time that he doesn’t remember what he’s done.
As if that part of the story isn’t weird enough, what’s really weird is what happens in Sodom before God lowers the boom. Lot is hosting two travellers (in reality disguised angels; one is Michael Landon) in his home. A mob surrounds the place demanding that Lot hand the travellers over so the men can boink them. Lot is horrified to think that they want to do an abominable gay sex thingie with his guests–so he offers them his two daughters instead to “do…to them as is good in your eyes.” This is the dude the man upstairs considers the only one worthy to be spared from destruction.
One more example of why the Bible is one forked up piece of literature.
Not really. I was merely pointing out that the subject of the piece, an obvious pervert, labelled AW a pervert, as though he himself were not one.
Every once in a while all that projection that falls out of “conservative’s” mouths accidentally tells a truth. Stopped clocks, and all that.
Lot is so hammered each time that he doesn’t remember what he’s done.
Yeah not buying that excuse. There is no level of drunkenness at which most parents would fornicate with their own children.
I’ve seen that media matters collection they had before. The part where he goes “sex” is the thing he and his daughter have in common most??? Like seriously, WTF???
I can say unspeakably horrible shit about my daughter – and you will sit there and take it. You will feel shitty about taking it, but you will do nothing. And in that way I am in charge of your soul.
The thing is, he has no idea that this is horrible. He has no real internal moral compass, so he relies on his ability to “read the room,” to moderate his actions. Since he has surrounded himself with toadies that don’t react negatively to him, he figures that what he says IS normal and anybody that objects is just a prude that should be shaken out of their complacency.
Brick, glass house etc.
“LSU ace’s 124 pitches illicit groans around MLB” -Washington Post. I’m groaning, but not because of the pitch count. They’ve fixed the headline in the online version of the story, but this is the one that made it to print. I mean, it’s only the sports page, but I would expect a professional editor to not confuse illicit and elicit.
My theory is that the falling out between Epstein and Trump was because Epstein wanted to bang little Ivanka but Trump wanted her for himself.
And no, I don’t mean that as a joke.
Yeah not buying that excuse.
Agreed. I was stating the POV seemingly taken in the Bible story, not my personal opinion. The “I don’t remember the terrible things I did while drunk” excuse works mostly in old movies trying to get a cheap laugh out of drunkenness.
As for Lot, in my view his value system is made clear by his offering his children to satisfy the lustful mob. I suspect he would have felt quite at home in Mr T’s company.
I suspect he would have felt quite at home in Mr T’s company.
HEY! Sorry this is off-topic but please find another way to abbreviate that loathsome individual’s name so as not to associate him with a generally fine person.