She claimed there’d been a coup on the basis that Australian governments had formed something “unconstitutional” called a “National Cabinet”. National Cabinet, by the way, was a fancy name for “all the state Premiers and the Prime Minister sat in a room and (sometimes reluctantly) cooperated on shit”.
It was unconstitutional in the same sense that “meeting in a room together” is unconstitutional. It had no powers of its own and depended solely on the states and federal government working together in a coordinated way to overcome Covid. The feds closed the international borders; the states ramped up hospital capacity etc.
I suspect the notion of state and federal leaders of different political persuasions working together against a common problem is so bizarre to conspiracy theorists that it must be a conspiracy.
I cross between the US and Canada a lot, and I get lectured by the US border guards with this same sentiment almost every time. They are convinced that Canada is some kind of Soviet police state. They are not goofing around. They dead-seriously believe this. I nod and smile politely while they lecture me about choosing to live there and how stupid I must be. They can deny me access to the US which I need for my work, so I have to smile and let them finish. This happens nearly every time at the crossing I use.
If someone had told me 20 years ago that things were going to get like this, I would have laughed at them.
maybe they’re just going to relocate from geneva? i mean honestly, i think we could use the help
what? you don’t want to go bankrupt over trivial medical issues!? i will never understand you canadians.
( also isn’t it ironic that in a country where “papers please” used to be synonymous with the soviet state, we now spend many billions trying to ask for everyone’s papers? i will never understand americans. )
Is she talking about the National Firearms Agreement which eliminated automatic and semi automatic gun ownership following the 1996 Port Arthur Massacre?
Given the context, I think her wittering is aimed at the strict quarantine measures that Australia put in place. You know, the ones that left the country with a death rate 4% lower than before the pandemic, and succeeded in delaying the arrival of the virus until most people were vaccinated.
“The WHO is going occupy the US? What what army? I mean literally, with what army?? It is bureaucrats and medical doctors.”
Yeah, but they have access to the most evil thing in the history of mankind: vaccines.
You know how vaccines are really CIA mind control juice, right? Well, WHO just lands in NY, then just starts injecting people, one after another, until they are all in the WHO army.
I also heard that one of the doctors in WHO has some sort of device that allows him to travel through time and space.
Yah, it’s all really weird passive aggressive stuff. Very uncomfortable to sit there while they bad mouth your country while running your papers. I know all the guys by now and they all have different little speeches about what a terrible place Canada must surely be.