Well, duh, the globalists will use their stooges in the federal government to impose martial law, set aside posse comitatus and take away your guns and …[degenerates into incomprehensible paranoid rantings].
Non sarcastically, that is pretty much the usual alleged plan.
My brain seems to be quite bad for taking two people and conflating them in my head (it wasn’t until my 30’s that I realised that Clint Eastwood and John Wayne weren’t the same person).
Anyway, a few days ago I saw a little mnemonic which helped me realise that Naomi Wolf and Naomi Klien are two different people:
if the Naomi be Klein
you’re doing just fine
If the Naomi be Wolf
Oh, buddy. Ooooof.
It’ll just be even more proof about how sneaky they are. One of those gnome underpants profit rationalizations where the lack of evidence will convince them that their hypothesis is true. The cherry on top will be how the MSM is completely not talking about it, which just goes to show they’re in cahoots.