Founder of anti-gay group Moms For Liberty filmed her own gay sex tape

Originally published at: Founder of anti-gay group Moms For Liberty filmed her own gay sex tape - Boing Boing


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These are odious people…


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That was back when she had the devil in her; new mission now.


Is there a link to the tap? Asking for a friend. :innocent:


All they care about is power over other people. The vehicle they use to get it is almost irrelevant to them.


I suspect that this may be non-hypocrisy for a slightly different reason: there are people who are, indeed, against homosexuality per se; but a lot more of them seem to be less freaked about by the homosexual behavior specifically and more by the possibility that it might involve people not knowing their place.

A woman making sex tapes with another woman, assuming her husband thinks that’s hot, is more or less the exemplary case of something that technically involves homosexual behavior; but counts as unthreatening for the purposes of reactionary power relations.


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It’s still engaging in behavior that they are specifically seeking to stop others from engaging in… How about we not “well, actually” this shit and call it out for what it is… These fascists are out to destroy everyone that isn’t them.


No. If a core tenet of her hateful ideology is that homosexuality is wrong in all its forms then it doesn’t matter if she’s really into women or just made a gay sex tape because her husband thought it was hot.

Either way it’s hypocrisy of the highest order.


I see what your trying to say, that in their heads this doesn’t count because it was supposedly made to titillate the man involved. And maybe that’s the story they were telling themselves. At least, the story the man was telling himself

But that is bullshit.


Yeah I don’t think it is going to read that way in sincerely conservative circles either. The homosexual sex is the part they specifically hate. It doesn’t matter if it’s part of your patriarchal bondage fantasy and the woman is a sex slave who is only doing it because a man is forcing her to. It’s still gay sex.

But ultimately I think these people are just disgusting self-deluding liars and frauds on a profitable power trip running campaign of hate and cruelty against children.


This is my “not surprised” face.
When will these…people stop living down to their reputation?


“Prerogatives” is a great lens for understanding this behavior. Prerogatives to do things that supercede laws and other moral considerations. The cultier it gets, the more prerogatives come into it. Marrying little girls while raging about groomers? Prerogatives.

One thing that will be hard for outsiders to track here is that her same-sex conduct was his prerogative, not hers.

As with “hypocrisy”, though, it’s a kind of deluxe philosophical distraction from the more pressing problem of the rape and fraud.


I would speak at their school board and say that I am not concerned about who she shares her bed with… But, let’s focus on her anti-LGBT policies … that is the problem.


There are a lot of damaged individuals out there without healthy outlets.

I’m a queer guy living in the capital city of a western democracy. There are more than a handful of gay right-wingers, politicians and staff among them, well-known to our community. They’re not exactly in the closet, but thankfully in my country sex lives are not often a topic of public discussion.

Anyway, on the topic of being well-known to the community: there’s a reason why they’re often well-known. It’s not just because of their political views and voting records— it’s because they’re often total assholes. They project, deflect, lie, are violent to their partners, etc etc. Not only are they shitty in public, but they’re extra-shitty in private.

Over and over again, the absolute worst assholes rise in the conservative power structure to become government ministers and representatives, the greatest champions of policies that harm their own communities. In private settings, they openly celebrate those harms. It gets incorporated into dominant-play structures, it’s part of their personality, and it’s even part of how they get and have sex. They’re doing a weird role-play and I don’t know how to process it. I find it totally repulsive, but I know enough other gay folks who are attracted to these assholes, and get off themselves on the transgressive element.

It’s sick— a large number of conservative queers are satisfying a desire by hurting other people in real life. It’s not new, either— McCarthy and Cohn are infamous examples in the US, but the halls of power have always been filled with awful people who enjoy being awful. It’s not being done to repress their sexuality— in private settings, they celebrate their sexuality openly, and incorporate their conservatism as a kink.

Ugh. I’ve already said too much. The overlap between gay kink and conservatism is a topic that I’ll always feel icky about. It’s fundamentally a consent issue, and the general public can’t consent to being part of someone else’s game.


There’s some sort of, uh, let’s call it nuance, to Moms for Liberty when it comes to homosexuality. They’re not against it in all forms. They’re against “influencing” kids into accepting it at a young age and taking away the establishment of morality from parents. It’s still dumb and homophobic, but I think it’s helpful to understand their dumb homophobic for what it is rather than assume more broadly.

It’s also worth noting that they teamed up with a group (supposedly a group?) called Gays Against Groomers in their larger anti-trans quest. But I think you’ll continue noticing things that appear hypocritical or, if we try to be generous where it’s unwarranted, inconsistent because their goals are ultimately power-oriented. What they do and say will twist and turn to get them what they want, and with their individual chapters that have to ability to slither into whatever shape is necessary for each school district regardless of what may be said on a national level. And people on that side of the aisle are ok with that as long as their aligned in the same power grab.


I am entirely convinced that what they ultimately want is access to children to victimize because they are what they claim to be protecting the children from: groomers, pedophiles, and rapists.

I think it says a lot about people and our culture though that this woman’s gay sex is more damaging than the fact that her husband is a rapist though.

This woman is the accomplice of a rapist whose job has made more children vulnerable to abuse and homophobia has made that easy for them.


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People gloss over this way too readily. In the wake of sexual assault, even liberals can’t get past culturally programmed misogyny.


Did the other woman know and consent to the video being made and shared? If not, then creepy as hell, and should probably be some kind of criminal or civil offense, especially now it’s out in public.


But demanding book bans was ok for that crowd, as was the sexual assault.
Haggard’s Law exemplifying fascists.