Founder of anti-gay group Moms For Liberty filmed her own gay sex tape

Bingo. It is proper and good that progressives were calling these people out as bigots long before they were exposed as hypocrites. But if the hypocrisy is what ultimately costs them their positions of influence I won’t shed any tears for them.


Damn she has kids in private school paid for by destroying public schools.

I don’t know if that’s hypocritical or if it matters but this woman is just fucking vile isn’t she?


yes, yes they are vile.
on several levels…
if only Hell were real,
I’m sure they would roast


Although I think what Trump has demonstrated is that (male) adultery and sexual assault actually never really bothered them in the first place. They’ve always had excuses for men who did this (and condemnation for their victims), but Trump allows them to just openly dismiss it as not a big deal.




Who could have ever guessed she was a hypocrite?!


Thanks to a couple of chatty friends who are Log Cabin Republicans, I know exactty which evil hypocritical senator from Utah you are talking around. What a POS.

[edit: mods please delete if this indiscretion violates any sort of rule]


It’s important to remember, though, for this particular brand of deplorables the gay sex isn’t a crime per se, it’s getting caught that is.

Hers is a variant of Christianity that believes they are preordained to go to heaven, and nothing they do will matter because their god has already chosen them.

It’s the same idea as the prosperity gospel or that repentance at the moment of death will get you into heaven.

It’s a circular argument to justify their power and privilege and why they should always have it.


I mean, “lying grifters, crooks and alleged rapists” and “hypocrite” are not mutually exclusive.

The latter is just not the most important thing about them…


Agree that this or something much like it seems to be what’s going on.

Verbalizing the semi-conscious outlook feels something like:

Our gang’s leaders might break the rules of behavior we want to enforce on everyone. But because our gang’s leaders by our definition must be better than everyone, our leaders are by definition exceptional. They can in their own lives be exceptions to the rules we demand.

It’s not great that they break those rules, just because it waters down the rules. But we will try to find ways to accept this for them, or at least not think about it, because we still want them as strong leaders to force those rules on other, lesser people. Especially on those people below us, who should do what we say or feel consequences. This way we can feel powerful. After all, it’s those lower people who really can’t handle life without our rules.

So rather than sort through all the cognitive dissonance, we’re just going to not talk about it. And think about it as little as possible.


User name checks out!


Added to that:

Our leaders bear an immense burden of duty and deserve to be rewarded generously for their years of selfless devotion to the cause. Their rewards include wealth and luxury, and also the right to indulge in whatever gives them pleasure, because they need relaxation and relief after their tireless work for us.


For sure. And to further verbalize the unspoken:

Our leaders getting to have this generous reward means all of us real true believers can have the same some day. Maybe not all the other people in our group - we’d never tell Sally she just doesn’t believe hard enough, besides the fact that Tom returned the lawnmower with that scratch in it and Sally just had to bake the same cookies that I did for the Church benefit. Maybe not them…but WE who REALLY deserve it will get all the same things our leaders once we have defeated THEM and can truly make EVERYTHING they way it SHOULD be.


I don’t see any nuance there, the words are chosen carefully to communicate different things to different people. They are dog whistles.
To some, influencing will mean active advocacy, to others merely existing is an unwanted influence.
To a healthy person “Taking away the establishment of morality from parents” is at the very least problematic, but to a controlling, highly narcissistic individual it is a threat that triggers their survival instincts.

See I don’t buy that they are not against homosexuality in all forms because they clearly believe that what they are doing will eradicate homosexuality.


They truly believe (or claim to, anyway) that LGBTQ is a choice, and allowing children to know that these people exist is, in and of itself, “influencing” them. So, it is necessary to eliminate this source of malign influence. A sort of “final solution,” if you will. There is no middle ground for them. So long as anyone not straight and cis is allowed to exist, “the children are at risk.” This is fascism boiled down to its most vile essence.



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