Four-year-old shoots at Police after father arrested over McDonald's order gone wrong

Fast food workers and librarians aren’t usually e pelted to be trained in the use of firearms. Having people heap praise on the police in this situation for not shooting a child shows how little trust people have in the police not shooting when faced with the presence of a gun. Neither outcome is good-the cop shot by a frightened child or the child killed by a cop.
If a librarian walking past had been the person to deflect the gun that would be a big deal.

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I think she’s meaning that it’s the minimum threshold for personal responsibility and police accountability…not “nbd”.


If a four year old was pointing a water pistol at you, could you take it away without getting wet? The kid being four years old doesn’t make the water less wet. There are stories all the time of kids playing with guns and ending someone’s life. Most municipal policing programs don’t have a system in place where their officers get to practice how to react when a four year old pulls a gun on them at close range. Maybe if androids get really cheap they will some day. However someone is trained, there are difficulties in predicting how they’ll react in an actual life and death situation.

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