Fox host Neil Cavuto tells Trump to start acting like a president

Isn’t CPUSA all feds? That’s been the joke for a long time and I swear I remember them condemning some social democrat notion as too far left last election…

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They’re just keeping the old traditions

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They could have, but haven’t. I agree that they don’t earn congratulations by doing what they should have been doing all along, but a break in the bootlicking is refreshing.

My point is that this is where the change in the hearts and minds of all the MF-ing tRump voters will come from. From resistance within their own culture, not from something external. For a culture that’s been primed for everything from race war to insurrection against the govt. etc… They’re not going to listen to liberals, scientists, etc… regardless of how sensible the argument is. When Faux news personalities make it okay (within the conservative culture) to not lick tRump’s anus, that’s when the rimjobs will stop.

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YMMV, but to me, that sentence represents a strategic error.

Put bluntly:

The Trumpists are only about 1/3rd of the country. They’re already heavily outnumbered. You don’t need to convert them to beat them.

Converting them faces several problems:

  1. The GOP has been a blatantly white supremacist party for decades. Anyone with an ounce of decency would have abandoned them long ago.

  2. The fascists have nearly total control of right wing media, and this media has near total dominance on the right. CNN and MSNBC can scream about Trump until the cows come home; it won’t do a damned thing to the right, because they’re all focused on Fox, Breitbart and the Daily Stormer.

  3. Fascists are counting the votes. The only semi-legitimate elections in the red states are the GOP primaries.


You forgot the rope for the golden drops to run up. The only Prez he’ll act like are those named Richard. Although he far surpasses Tricky when it comes to being a Dick.

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