Fox News and neo-Nazi site call racist massacre an attack on Christianity

Who, me?

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I am somewhat surprised and I believe you. Also, that irony is rich.

I’ve only been on base a handful of times, all as a civilian. I do distinctly recall more guys walking around with guns than I’d ever seen anywhere else, at least until we put armed soldiers in airports after 9/11… Maybe that was just gate guards and MPs, but, well, it felt pretty armed.

Either way, the element of surprise/planning is huge, regardless of the scenario.

Also, this:


Just, FYI folks:

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Sure enough, a “good-guy-with-a-gun” could have been in the room and it still might have gone bad. It’s not some kind of talisman that wards off all the bad things.

Well that’s nauseating.

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It would require an act of the state legislature to remove it. It cannot be physically lowered to half-height.

Yesterday I was suggesting someone with a truck and chain should just tear it down and we can crowdfund their bail on vandalism charges. I read a better suggestion, a drone (or drones) carrying paint or fuel and a lighter. I’m shocked it’s still up today. I really hoped a vigilante would have taken care of this overnight.


Did anyone else stop to ask when this video was recorded? Anyone?

I don’t see a time/date stamp, but the first thing said to the preacher is “What are your thoughts this morning?” I take that to mean that this was recorded on Thursday morning, well before the details of the shooting were known. I’m not a Fox News defender, but I think that the network assumed that the shooting was religion-based because it occurred in a church. All of you saying “It was obviously racism - the shooter even admitted it!” are using information we know now to judge a statement likely made before the evidence was clear.

Seriously, don’t judge something just because it fits an anti-religion narrative. That makes you appear just as ignorant as the very people you are criticizing.

(And I mean all that in a constructive-criticism way, not a mean way, to be clear.)

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Yes, that’s precisely what I was trying to say.

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Do you mean It’s not on a typical flagpole that you can raise and lower (in other words, they raised the pole with the flag already on it? Or you just can’t legally raise and lower it? Because if it’s just the latter, that’s utterly fucked up, and fuck the law, as you suggest. Anyone with an ounce of decency in the second case would want to keep it up.

Most people who want that shit down are probably far more concerned with doing the right thing, the right way. I say I’m all for the drone solution, but the people in SC who want to bring it down aren’t likely to do something illegal to get it down.

But if the legislature doubles down on this, fuck them, bunch of assholes.


Why isn’t flying the confederate flag considered treason?


Ah, found it:
"A further obstacle to critics of the Confederate flag: It’s affixed to the pole, and can’t come down unless someone gets up there and pulls it down — which would be illegal anyway. “The flag is part of a Confederate War Memorial, and is not on a pulley system, so it cannot be lowered, only removed,”

There’s plenty more of interesting info in here:


Physically impossible, apparently - no pulley.

Flying the Nazi flag isn’t considered treason either. It’s just the sort of shit that would make everyone around you angry at you.

The two are not actually equivalent. Notably, the confederate battle flag was used by American citizens who were trying to secede from the union.

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Every time I hear the “good guy with a gun” argument, I immediately imagine a bunch of so-called “good guys with guns” shooting each other in confusion because they think anyone else with a gun during a possible shooting must be a “bad guy with a gun.”

Reality isn’t like an FPS. The bad guys aren’t marked in red on your reticle. Heck, sometimes the bad guys with guns are wearing the uniforms of supposed good guys.


Of course, shootings are chaos. Even highly trained folks struggle to stop shooters (that’s what I was referencing re: the military base shootings). However, in this specific case, a lone white guy in an all black prayer group is actually easier to spot. Going with your the metaphor, the reticule isn’t needed, one could no-scope the mofo… but, of course, reality/evidence suggests they wouldn’t have even drawn their gun in time.

Unfortunately, guns aren’t going anywhere in this country, that’s just the fact. If Sandy Hook couldn’t change anything, this sure as shit won’t.

So, given this is the horrible world we live in, I am supportive of an increase in an armed, trained black militancy movement and the new #WeWillShootBack hashtag. That’s where I’m coming from…

And was reinstated across the south after Brown V. Board. Also, CSA was about slavery and white supremacy. In their OWN WORDS:

This is not my opinion, it’s the things that the Confederates themselves said. As you can see from the article. Or, if you prefer, you can read the words of confederate soldiers, many of whom also agreed that the war was about slavery and white supremacy:


I prefer to promote the equivalency of the confederate and nazi symbols/flags as physical manifestations that express support of genocide. I feel this helps to communicate how the confederate flag is in no way an acceptable symbol to display except as an artifact of a deeply-troubled history or by idiots who want to self-identify as vehement and violent racists.

But the fact that the confederate flag is actually worse because it represents all of that AND treason, instead of just invasion/occupation, is also compelling…