Fox News ends its love affair with hydroxychloroquine

2 months ago we were worried about the DNC primary, Australia burning to the ground (which means they can’t save the Reef), glaciers calving off of Greenland and icebergs the size of Manhattan floating away from Antarctica. And this is just winter in the US. So…what’s going to happen first? CAT5 in the gulf? 20 foot rise in floods along the 'Miss? Tornadoes down south? (oh wait, already happened; hope you people are okay).

But I’m sure the hospitals have extra capacity given that the federal government has been building up the infrastructure, right? Nobody else needs to use the hospitals but disaster victims, right?

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I entirely agree with you, there’s a subset in any population that’s prone to misanthropy and hate. Playing to that crowd however is arguably a criminal proposition and it worked for FOX.


I’m not real sure hydroxychloroquine was really about the money. It is an old drug that has no patent protection (patent expired), is already produced cheaply by multiple companies, and we even had some stockpiles of it.

So sure some companies could make millions from it, but not the billions that could be made if a drug that was still patented was singled out as the miracle cure.

I think this was actually about being able to point to a cure and transition from the “no problem exists” stage to the “it isn’t a big problem because look: cure!” stage. We are also seeing the “it is someone else fault” stage (it’s the governors! the Chinese! the democrats left us a bad vaccine! Obama broke the CDC!), and we aren’t anywhere near the end of that part, although maybe some of this is about transitioning to “you deserved it!”, maybe that is what telling people to liberate themselves and fight for the second amendment is about, and/or telling people the governors should be opening up, and then flip/flopping to they each get to decide.

Some mental disorders are tiring to keep up with.


no, its about the money.

With tRumph, its always about money, (or his ego).

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Alright, it could be about the money if we assume they are incompetent enough to go for mere millions while billions are on the table for the grabbing…

…and, um, yeah, I guess incompetence is one of the hallmarks of this administration. Right up there with greed, cruelty, and racism,

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“If you got faults, defects or shortcomings, you know, like arthritis, rheumatism, or migraines… Whatever part of your body it is, I want you to lay it on your radio, let the vibes flow through.”


I think you’re probably right. Another likely scenario: he caught an early rumor about hydroxychloroquine and pumped it up in hopes he could take credit for a cure if it turned out to work. Instead he’ll just walk away from it with no damage done.

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why stop at one X



Lots of people have mistaken Fox News for an actual journalist resource. It’s just entertainment meant to get people angry and afraid.

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Hydrox is a real product. It’s the cookie that Oreo stole their idea for a cookie from.


Hail Hydrox!


For anyone wondering what the current reported global mortality rate is, it is fairly simple to calculate. Just take the global COVID-19 deaths and divide by confirmed infections x 100 (to express in %).

200,000deaths divided by 2.8M infections x100 = 7.1%

The morbidity number is much, much higher, as morbidity refers to harm, injury, or illness. Obviously, there are more people total who have experienced illness as part of COVID-19 infection than those who have died from it.

Edit: Muphry’s Law of math strikes, ensuring that, while correcting someone’s math, I messed up the sample equation order. Fixed.


Thank you! This is why this community rocks!


You’re welcome! And the point you made earlier still stands - that the situation is dynamic and those numbers are moving targets. There is a great deal of uncertainty of the accuracy of the number of infections due to asymptomatic people with the virus and testing lag, and we know from the differences in death rates in hard-hit areas that we’re probably undercounting deaths, too. So the best we can do is use the numbers we have while at the same time understanding that they are imperfect.

Anyone who tells you they know the perfect numbers is trying to sell you something. Anyone who says we shouldn’t act until the numbers are perfect is also trying to sell you something.


That seems like real common sense to me…

Or possibly…


This is the worst possible time to be spreading disinformation, too.


We don’t really know. The infection rate in the population could be a lot higher than we’re currently aware. It may or may not matter, depending on whether we even get any immunity out of it. The most significant number is it’s killing thousands of people a day.

New York State Governor Cuomo said that preliminary findings from an antibody study conducted on 3,000 people at grocery stores across New York State found a 13.9% had coronavirus antibodies, suggesting a 13.9% actual infection rate statewide (21.2% in New York City), which translates to an estimate of about 2,700,000 actual cases in New York State (10 times more than the about 270,000 cases that have been detected and reported officially).

Based on Worldometer’s count (which includes probable deaths reported by New York City) of about 21,000 deaths and the 2,700,000 case estimate from the new antibody study, the actual case fatality rate in New York State could be at around 0.78%

United States COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

Up to 2.7 Million in New York May Have Been Infected, Antibody Study Finds – NBC New York

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Yes, that’s precisely the point. The poster (whose comments were removed) was saying that the death rate was .5%, with certainty. It is not certain. However, what @duketrout stated is far more accurate than what the other poster was trying to peddle, which was pure gaslighting bullshit.


I hope it’s that low. That is much more in line with earlier published figures of a little over 1% than the very large rate of 7%.