Fox news host says kids are being held in enclosures built from chain-link fences, not cages

There’s an oversupply of vile bigots willing to vomit worth hideous bullshit for money and attention.


Steve Doucey: “… while some have likened it to concentration camps or cages, you do see that they have those thermal blankets …” Yes, that was the ultimate cruelty of Hitler, not providing thermal blankets.

Some say, Well, if you only listened to Fox News, you’d be fooled/misinformed. I just don’t see that as an excuse. Doucey and Kilmeade are so ridiculously oleaginous and buffoonish (resp.), they should be obviously seen for what they are, even if they were the only thing you watched.

Theyre going to start talking about banning photography for the “security” of the children

It’s inevitable. Just like how Donald Rumsfeld’s “solution”, when confronted by massive photographic evidence of torture in Abu Ghraib prison, was banning cameras.


The last twenty feet of the corridor are heavily soundproofed,…


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