Fox News was always partisan, but now it is rudderless and "anti-democratic"

The Night of the Long Knives didn’t. That was the least of the violence. There was increasing official and unofficially sanctioned violence against Socialists, Jews, Trade Unionists, foreigners, and others. There was Kristallnacht. There were attacks by gangs of thugs. There were riots. There were nighttime home invasions and more.

So yeah. In a fascit, bigoted country it is completely rational to prepare for violence directed at you.

Think Kristallnacht rather than KotLK. Think pogroms and street violence and Nightriders. Yeah, prepare to deal with thugs, possibly armed, and thank the gods that you can acquire the means to defend yourself.


Fox News is millionaire hosts who protect their billionaire masters by convincing the thousandaires who watch them that all their problems are caused by the penniless.


How is Fox “rudderless” because it’s following Trump? When has it ever not been an organ of GOP propaganda? If anything Fox is the rudder. Trump had to cause a shutdown because Fox’s Ann Coulter threw a shitfit over Trump’s insufficiently victimizing brown people.

How is Fox now “anti-democratic”? When has Fox ever been “democratic”? it’s always been quasi-fascist/authoritarian. (With the requisite disclaimers for their token weak liberals (eg, Alan Combes, Bob Beckel), token people of color (who are more Fox than Fox), token Libertarians.) Fox’s passion for civil rights only manifests when the government turns its focus onto Fox’s own: rich Republicans. They love FISA wiretaps and FBI no-knock warrants for brown, Arabic people, but when it’s used against Carter Page or Roger Stone or Manafort-- well, that is just an outrageous abuse of power.


yup. without a doubt. and white supremacist violence is happening now. ( and institutional violence had been going on since the founding. )

the best way to prepare is to oppose it now, not pretend that we’re going to shoot it out in the apocalypse.

guns are a false safety. if the government wants to impose martial law, and ice and or the army wants to have at, it’s too late already. lots of people die, and the fascist win.

power fantasies are just that. in my view it’s a tool of the other side. exactly the kind of thing fox is peddling.


“Guns are a false safety”
Spoken like someone who has been able to call the police with some hope that they will respond.
If Nazis and Proud Boys and Threepers want to kill you and you don’t have the means to defend yourself you are a corpse.

Folks, do something about it. The next time you visit parents, grandparents or other relatives, take a moment to use the parental locks on their TVs to remove this toxic influence.


Is there any chance of killing the annoying BoingBoing shop pop-up with the red frame that jumps from right to left as you scroll down the page? Not only is that a real fuck-you from a HCI consideration, but it goes and positions itself over the text.

BoingBoing is currently whitelisted in my ad blocker as I know you need to pay the bills, but this sort of irritation is pushing me towards putting BB on the naughty step.

There is only one thing the billionaires behind right wing propaganda fear: voters.


This. Inciting sectarian violence and genocide. It absolutely could happen here.


Spoken like someone who has no clue what it is like to be threatened and powerless.

I mean that literally.

Those of us who do know violence, know that the police make it worse, not better, and no amount of personal firepower will win against them. You’re just making yourself a bloodier corpse.


Took me a while but this is a blistering read and provokes the usual “nuke it from orbit” response from this outsider but then in the UK we do have the daily heil which is somehow one of most widely circulated papers. But fox… man, you take it to a whole 'nother level.


An Australian octogenarian with bad ideas about the role and size of government is the most powerful man in America. And it’s not an accident, it’s deliberate. And we’ve changed laws – about newspaper ownership, and TV station ownership – to help him in his plan. And made him rich for doing so.

I miss the FEC, the FCC and the pre-Citizen’s United world. I know it’s not hip to be in favor of regulation these days, but if this lassez-faire hellscape is the alternative, I’ll take regulation.


Definite sigh of relief here, but asinine that it was even under consideration. I expect most the current declared candidates told Tom Perez he could go debate his own asshole on Fox and he’s spent the time since desperately looking for a face saving out.

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If it gets to a debate, and Donnie starts wandering again, I hope that the Democratic candidate says “Donnie, are you confused and off your meds? Could someone please help him back to his podium?”

And they do.


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