Originally published at: Fox reporter says a good leader should shove, not smile | Boing Boing
Of course reporters from that network support the worst examples of toxic masculinity…
Yes, the president of the United States is in charge of the president of Montenegro, because Montenegro is part of the United States. That’s how international affairs work, as far as I know.
They have a pretty fluid definition of what bullying is.
(from the link)
They say shit flows down hill, there’s the proof, yummy Faux News.
I expect nothing less from the “you’re not hurting the right people” crowd.
my god, what horse-shit
I don’t expect anything else but bully worship from this grinning no-value-added toady.
Remember he pushed the President of Montenegro out of the way so he could be up front and center on stage leading?
Or rather, so he could be up front and center in the photo.
The original draft referred to “Uppityness”, instead of bullying.
I was just going to post that…
It’s okay, I’ll play with you.
Pogo hard!
It is easier not to smile when everyone around dislikes you.
fox reporter should have to clean toilets for a living.
everybody knew there he was in charge
He was shunned and laughed at not only by the press and the population in Europe, but by the other leaders at the summit!