Originally published at: Fox: Biden Using Straws Bad, Trump Using Straws Good
This would fall into the same category as “Real Men (R) don’t eat bananas or wipe their asses. It’s gay!” And is just as stupid.
It’s such a weird, stupid thing. Like, everyone uses straws. I had Culver’s last night and used a straw.
How the hell else do you drink a milk shake?
These people are unserious clowns.
Methinks Jesse Watters dost protest too much about. . . sucking.
Just watch his show and you’ll see, he sucks big time.
So it would be manlier to suck on something with a greater circumference? Weird take but OK.
One can only imagine what “fox” would say if Biden consumed his shake without a straw.
(“Video you have to see to believe!!! Biden selfishly breathes in after each breath out!”)
Yeah, I thought that too. A thicker straw would some how be more manly?
Seriously, Jessie Waters just says the dumbest shit all the time.
“sometimes a cigar straw is just a straw cigar…”
What about Don Jr’s straw usage?
As ever, whether or not an action is good or bad depends entirely on who is doing it, not what it is.
Edited to add: I don’t think I’ve ever spent even a few seconds thinking about if or how someone else uses a straw, unless there’s something interesting about the straw itself. I suspect it’s not that these folks have less brain power than usual, they just allocate their resources to bizarrely pointless thoughts.
Maybe I’ll start a list: things real men (R) don’t do
Who fucking cares?
Anything to gaslight the nation until we all forget they tried to stage a goddamned coup.
Talk about strawmen arguments…
That’s a cool Hunt Emerson album cover there. Fun track, too.
The late, great Pat Fish with David J, Kevin Haskins and Max “The Best Kisser in The World” Eider.
That’s hard to beat.