Originally published at: Fox's Brian Kilmeade caught on hot mic saying "dumbass" after Rep. Bacon votes for McCarthy (video) | Boing Boing
It would have been best if he would have done it while sounding like Beavis.
Are we sure he wasn’t just introducing himself to someone?
Journalism 101 is that you shouldn’t be the story.
That seems to be a gross underestimation when counting GOP members, I’m certain some are even dumb enough they should be counted twice.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Brian Kilmeade doing journalism.
Well, at least we know he’s not Steve Doocy.
Well, I can’t say the inability of Republicans to focus on such a critical element of governance is reassuring but I can’t say Brian Kilmeade is wrong, either.
To be fair, pinning the “dumbass” on the ass in that party is basically shooting fish in a barrel. (-‸ლ)
Are we sure he wasn’t calling over Steve Doocy?
He failed, but not miserably…he still got about 200 votes (over 90%) ! That’s still way too many for such a buffoon, and shows how completely off the rails that “party” has gone.
Perhaps one uses a dog whistle for that.
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