Fuck Elon Musk (Part 1)


Hedgehog Running GIF by MOODMAN

I don’t recommend watching that.

Puppy Pet GIF

Kitten GIF


But you sandwiched it perfectly in unicorn chasers, so it’s OK.


Their use of the word “bullish” is a dead giveaway that they bought into the ideology hook, line and sinker.


I think I initially read “bullshit” and that might partially explain my confusion.


James Vincent for The Verge also had that happen after deleting on May 8th, but didn’t look into manual vs. scripted.

So far, the account which I deleted and then closed remains inaccessible on the site.


The common thread that everyone seems to kinda agree is that everyone who deleted posts using mass delete tools had these posts returned. I just happen to remember several tweets I deleted manually and lo and behold, those were not restored, though the ones before and after are.

It could also just be that the manually deleted tweet was deleted before this suposed backup, but our dates of mass deleting vary wildly (I deleted almost everything in late november, some deleted it much before).

So, as usually say in these situations… “I have no proof but I have no doubt” that this is related to twitter API shenanigans. Maybe they rolled back some databases related to API transactions, or maybe is just the Space Karen decided that users who mass delete tweets are against its terms of use, that I don’t know and honestly… I don’t know if I want to know.

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Breaking this out into a new post.

The source linked for debunking the image, Nick Waters from Bellingcat, went on to say (Internet Archive):

Most extreme physical events in populated areas (bombings, terrorist attacks, large fights) have a recognisable digital ripple. It doesn’t work the other way round.

This is why it’s so difficult (I’d argue effectively impossible) to create a believable fake of such an event.

The Citizen Lab researcher quoted by the article noted that the Syrian Electronic Army tried much the same thing with AP’s account 10 years ago, and stock traders also fell for it then. Back then, it wasn’t an imposter account that could just buy a badge.

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This was funnier before Elon took over Twitter, but still relevant:


Soon enough, the amount of rent in arrears will exceed the value of the company.


First reaction: there are some who say that this has already happened.

Second reaction: do you mean “market value”, or “value as a function of what it adds to society”? Because those are rapidly coming to reconciliation and see also first reaction.


The value to society is already far into the negative; I don’t think that it’s possible for the market value to fall that low. I’m saying that eventually the landlords are going to own Twitter, and they’ll probably just sell off the equipment and furniture to cover what they are owed.


They can’t. Dilbert Stark¹ has already sold it off.

[1] h/t Charlie Stross


Oh that’s fuck amazing.

I like Car Crash Trash myself.


Where the falling value meets the rising debt.

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You know I’m with him on this one. How about everyone in an offshore REIT owned flat does the same: rent strike. General Strike is a mighty, mighty weapon.

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I am wondering how are repossession of rented buildings rules in US. Won’t it make sense for the renter just to evict Musk to avoid further material losses?

Like, I can understand holding for a couple months but 6 months in is clear is not going to pay… and is not exactly a prestigious tenant.

You don’t believe that the world’s richest man has an obligation to pay the contractually-agreed-upon rent for a company that he decided to buy?

I know that a lot of people see all landlords as greedy, evil entities but come on. He’s clearly not the victim in this situation.