Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

if i were to follow the argument maybe that means capitalism is strong and those dictators weak. dictators know they can’t weather the critics, capitalism is pervasive enough that is can.

( although maybe comparing a person to an economic system is apples to gravity. in that economic systems don’t have feelings. )


This is hardly an improvement from the last few months, where trying to view a profile while logged out would redirect you to the login page.

Galaxy brain indeed.


Our tests show that even if you have a pinned post, it won’t appear at the top of your profile feed when logged out, which defeats the point of a pinned post.

Much galaxy brain. Many dimension chess. (/s if it’s not obvious)


Maybe, but authoritarism thrives because of our general anger with captialism. And it’s on the march right now. We kid ourselves if we think that force can’t still shape the world.

And any number of political systems can exist within the capitalist system. They aren’t necessarily at odds.



Well that’s one of the ways it thrives, it certainly was part of what aided Hitler’s rise but his power base was actually the traditional wealthy elite to a large part who threw their lot on with him to protect the capitalist project. But it’s no part of the rise and widespread western support of the Shah, Suharto, or Pinochet for example.

They were explicitly dictators installed, brutally, to protect corporations from collectivism.


So it’s still about preserving capitalism, yeah? It’s true these were installed or took power in a coup, but specifically because of the Cold War and the perceived threat of communism (which was always bullshit). Jeanne Kirkpatrick articulated it best with her views that right wing authoritarians could be controlled and eventually guided towards a more democratic system (she was wrong and/or lying) and that left wing authoritarians could not (again, wrong and/or lying).

But we can see that the unleashing of neo-liberalism with no real counterpoint, there is something to the idea that the kind of exploitation you see in capitalism can drive people to embrace the more simplistic view that a strong man can fix it. Because the problems caused by neo-liberalism with no real counter, is all the more difficult to fix. None of us on the left have any easy answers for all that’s happening, but a strongman/woman figure pointing at immigrants and blaming them - that’s much easier to wrap your head around… :woman_shrugging:


“ at the moment) are the real Hitler (bad) but also Hitler is good. It gets very confusing.”

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And how do the other stockholders feel about that?


Tesla China has launched a partnership with McDonald’s to sell a $4 “Cyber Spoon” that has the words “DON’T PANIC” printed on it. Because why settle for tarnishing the good name of Nikola Tesla when you can drag down Douglas Adams as well?

Elon apparently wasn’t kept in the loop and called it fake on Twitter/X.


“But as with many Tesla-related things, there is a secret, thinly obscured by an Oz-like curtain, at the Harris Ranch Supercharger. Hidden in plain sight across the way from the Harris Ranch Supercharger’s main stations, behind a Shell station, is a small diesel plant that has helped power Tesla’s footprint.”

““I discovered that Tesla’s battery swap station was not in fact being made available to owners who regularly drove between California’s two largest cities,” Niedermeyer wrote in a May 2022 exposé for Slate. “Instead, the company was running diesel generators to power additional Superchargers (the kind that take 30 to 60 minutes to recharge a battery) to handle the holiday rush, their exhaust mingling with the unmistakable smell of bulls—t.” “


… gee, why would I panic if I was inside a Tesla :thinking:


Your plastic pal who’s fun to be with burn in?


but I wouldn’t necessarily expect the CEO to know all the promotional tools his company is using in all markets.

Well, yeah, which is why as a CEO you do basic due diligence and check with your people before you dismiss something as fake in public.



Now that’s a spoon one can kill bats with!

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Given his ego is more fragile than the tail end of Prince Rupert’s drop, what are the chances this is really “fake” news now, and he cancels the promo.




Ugh. The image of “quietly fathering” is now here. Please. Make it stop.