Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

You know how everyone (including myself) was joking how removing the headlines from links in tweets was going to bite Elon in the dick? Well it did happen and Elon banned her for something everybody warned him against


I think the paid subscription tiers are really: Useful Idiot, Ratfucker, Terrorist


The University of Oulu’s 6G research group tested the performance of Starlink’s internet connection in the area between Oulu on Finland’s northwestern coast and Suomussalmi which sits on the Russian border.


Tesla is planning to build something called “Giga Water Loop” just outside of Gigafactory Texas

Lead Engineer: Uh, sir… I’m afraid the team’s consensus is that we won’t be able to make this design work as intended…

Musk: You incompetent idiots! I gave you a diagram and everything! Now just get back in there and go Beast Mode on it until you’ve worked it out!


Honestly, a year or so ago, i might have been tempted into a small monthly fee for some benefits.
Twitter used to be a great way to keep updated on various things, like local/breaking news, artist/youtuber accounts and the like you follow…

But now (i deleted my account a few weeks back) Elon would need to pay me to have an account there, it’s gotten that bad :confused:

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Musk in hot water with SEC for failure to comply with subpoena


Already covered as such, but this bit is interesting:

Yaccarino is reportedly set to meet with Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, British bank Barclays, Japanese banks MUFG and Mizuho, and French financial institutions BNP Paribas and Société Générale to discuss plans not to leave them in the lurch as the value of X’s assets have plummeted by two thirds in the past year.


“She has to get [Musk] out,” an unnamed banker from one of X’s lenders told the Financial Times of the future of X. “They need ad dollars to come back,” the banker said, adding that it wasn’t clear whether that would happen as long as Musk kept up his usual inflammatory habits.

With huge interest payments to those banks continuing to come due and X’s value incredibly unclear - but unlikely to have appreciated - the banks might be getting impatient to see some improvement as Musk’s first year of ownership draws to a close.

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You know he effed up when there’s a ton of people on the left actively cheering on the big banks


i think even if he stopped running twitter ( into the ground ) they still wouldn’t be able to stop him from running his mouth. what are they going to do, kick him off his own platform? i’d pay to see it, but it won’t happen.

they had to have known who they were ( ick ) getting into bed with. welcome to the land of consequences i guess

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There goes the motivation for any shitposters to post. I’d say this would be the thing that kills it, but I’ve been saying its death was imminent since I deleted my account last fall when he took over so I don’t know anymore.


Archived/not paywalled version:

Because of the shocking deterioration in X’s finances since Musk took over in October of 2022, the lenders haven’t been able to sell the debt to investors as planned, and are stuck holding all of it on their balance sheets, this person explained. The only way they’ll unload the loans is by accepting deep discounts from such possible buyers as hedge funds and other customers for distressed assets. To fortify their position, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, and Bank of America, lenders that combined furnished almost 70% of the financing, have agreed to what’s known as a joint “sell-down letter” that expires on Jan. 15, the source told Fortune . Though all three banks declined to comment, and the exact details of the arrangement aren’t known, sell-down letters typically require that if one bank receives an offer for its loans, it can’t accept without giving the other members the right to the same deal on a pro rata basis.
In a recent story, this writer speculated that Elon Musk himself is in a powerful position to purchase a big chunk of the debt pile that’s haunting X at a sharp markdown, or securing a solution where the banks simply write off some of the loans, a move that would improve X’s standing, enabling them to safely syndicate the rest.

We don’t know Musk’s next move. We do know that the information drought makes it tough for his lenders to sell to anyone else.

If this is Musk’s “plan” and he comes even close to pulling it off, Twitter will be all that he has in a couple of years. Because the banks will make sure that he is kicked out of Tesla, Space-X and any other financially promising venture.
Banks will put up with pretty much anything from bad puns to outright genocide as long as there is money in it for them. Losing money and bruised egos at the C-suite level? Not so much.




Here’s a tune to post for anyone going in a different direction:


The drinking milk thing made me think or Mr Strange, and there is no possible way anyone could read that as a positive thing.

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Not the elephant song that I was thinking of


Now I don’t think the “pedo guy” nickname is a joke :woman_shrugging:

The context…

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ah yes. is it hate, bigotry, doxing, verbal abuse, and threats, or is it “provocative free speech.” god, i wish america ( and its media ) could move past this insane framing

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