Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

so they stole that straight from amazon prime then?

( it’s like someone took a screenshot, then saved it out at a bad resolution )


Given the quality work that went into the new logo I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if that’s what happened.


Fu No GIF by TheFactory.video


““Do we need support for gas stations? We don’t,” Musk said. “There’s no need for support for a charging network. I would delete it. Delete.””


Oh I’ve got my cyberbeer right here :beer: Get it? Because it only exists online? In “cyberspace?” Am I understanding meaning the the word “cyber” correctly?


Apparently not. There’s been a lot of breathless reporting around this “sale” but according to this breakdown it’s more like someone selling off their place in line to buy a truck. Musk bros are weird.

It’s more of the promise of a promise for an early production truck, but let’s be clear; a direct exchange of money for a physical vehicle did not happen here. It’s also not clear whether the slot was donated by Tesla itself, or just some schmo who put his name on the deposit list way back when. The story was first reported by InsideEVs, which reported that what the winning bidder would receive is a low-VIN slot, not the vehicle itself. The museum declined to verify the sale price of the Cybertruck build slot, due to fundraising policies.


“[the manager] told me it had water in it due to the fact the weather in Scotland has been so bad. That was the issue. They said it’s not necessarily my fault but it’s not Tesla’s to pay under warranty… To date, it’s been a disaster of a service and the stress and worry of this is excruciating. I said to the manager, ‘so, my understanding is, Teslas are unfit for purpose in Scotland?.”

They say they waited nearly five hours from roadside assistance from Tesla support, and still have not seen their luxury car since it was wheeled away from the side of the road that evening.

( from edinburgh live )


THIS is Cyber.


The gold standard :+1:


It’s strange that it’s from a Greek root kybern- that means steering (gubernatorial is from the Latin equivalent). It’s hard to think of many that have lost their meaning quite so completely. Online is probably as good a translation as any now, though I presume Musk is using it in the sense of “something that might have sounded kind of cool forty years ago”.

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It looks cold, so those crotch-heaters are probably a good idea.

(Hopefully they’ve paid their heater subscriptions.)

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Did they try putting it in rice overnight?

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They are probably needing the freezing air to prevent thermal runaway and further heat dissipation problems.

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I’m guessing the connection is that the data “steer themselves” from client/server and back again. (but much better than self-driving automobiles)

It’s just so stupid, you know, all these data, and the whole internet is supposed to be a reflection of the physical world. And dipshit is trying to do that backwards, trying to make the abstraction into something real.

“Cyber” entered the popular consciousness thanks to Norbert Wiener (of course) and Cybernetics. His usage was meant to suggest “self-governing systems” writ large, whether biological, mechanical, or otherwise.

I’m not deep enough in the field to really get why the term “cybernetics” and the prefix “cyber-” came to suggest “high tech” but the portmanteau “cyborg” (for “cybernetic organism”) was coined in 1960 and seems like it was trying to capture the idea of integrating biological and mechanical cybernetics in the same being:

What are some of the devices necessary for creating self-regulating man-machine systems? This self-regulation must function without the benefit of consciousness in order to cooperate with the body’s own autonomous homeostatic controls. For the exogenously extended organizational complex functioning as an integrated homeostatic system unconsciously, we propose the term “Cyborg.”

… and that was probably the start of it, “cyber” subsequently getting taken up by William Gibson and others for related sci-fi and futurism purposes.

EDIT: Weiner/Weiner


yeah. this is the original cyber :slight_smile: