Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)


This is where we point at Musk’s tiny engagement and laugh.


Probably not. It’s interesting though…it would take so little for billionaires to masquerade as heroes. You can easily imagine Musk saying stupid things online, and people shrugging and saying “but at least Flint has safe water again”. It would actually have been a pathetically small act of charity, one with less cost and effort than you or I handing a couple coins to someone, taken from wealth he didn’t earn. But it would give many people a real incentive to overlook all that. And he still would rather be a petty liar instead.

In other words, I don’t think it’s just ego…these people genuinely despise the idea of helping others at all.


Tesla’s Reportedly Exaggerated Range Estimates Called Into Question By Department Of Justice


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… no doubt Tesla sales will rebound if Musk sells it

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It’s short for “Elron is full of himself driving”.



The team and the goals look good. Did they fail because of the lack of a loud a-hole to be an attention lightning rod? :thinking:

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Tesla warns that a federal probe into whether it exaggerated the range of its cars may lead to a ‘material adverse impact on our business’




Pre Musk it was junk, is there a rating below junk, cause new Twitter needs it.




How is a underground traffic jam worth anything?


Well, fuck Elon Musk and all his sycophant minions.

The strike against Tesla in Sweden will be enlarged after Tesla refused to sign a collective agreement. Tesla of course double down on their anti-labour crap. They will now use scabs (politely called strikebreakers in the article below). I have machinetranslated parts of this article; Tesla planerar för omfattande strejkbryteri - Dagens Arbete, and posted it below.

Strikebreakers will be deployed to replace striking Tesla workers. Tesla’s Nordic manager, Kim Jensen, revealed this in an internal meeting with the employees, as disclosed by Dagens Arbete.

On Tuesday, negotiations for a collective agreement between the electric vehicle company Tesla and the labor union IF Metall came to a standstill. No new meetings are currently scheduled.

“We met with Tesla’s management in Sweden, and they announced that they do not intend to sign a collective agreement. They do not have such a mandate. Such a decision must be made by the highest corporate leadership in the United States,” stated Veli-Pekka Säikkälä, IF Metall’s chief negotiator.

Therefore, it is highly likely that the strike that the union has threatened will break out on the night of Friday, October 27. The strike will encompass all of Tesla’s car workshops and service centers in Sweden and affect approximately 120 car mechanics.

After the negotiations stalled, IF Metall issued further labor actions at 17 locations throughout the country that handle Tesla cars. The notice affects 470 employees. All work on Tesla cars will be blocked from November 3. This means that Tesla owners may have difficulty repairing collision and bodywork damage, and new Tesla cars cannot be prepared for the Swedish market, including tasks such as fitting license plates.
An anonymous Tesla mechanic has shared details with Dagens Arbete regarding a video meeting held by Tesla’s Sweden management after the negotiations broke down. They mentioned that initially, the management acknowledged the right to strike if employees so choose, but the focus of the meeting shifted towards highlighting how capable the Tesla workforce is and reassuring them that the situation would be resolved, emphasizing that everything would go smoothly, and it would be “business as usual.”

According to the mechanic, the managers tried to downplay the strike threat and assured that it would not adversely affect the company’s operations. They explicitly stated that if there were not enough employees at a particular location due to a strike, they would send personnel from another location to provide support. They promised to address the situation continuously.

The act of replacing striking workers with other employees is the very definition of strikebreaking, something that is quite unusual in Sweden, where labor unions and employers have committed to respecting each other’s rights.

The mechanic expressed concerns about such a practice, stating, “It wouldn’t feel right. I hope that there will be strong support everywhere so that the managers understand that this is a serious matter, and one cannot act in this manner.”


IF Metall’s chief negotiator, Veli-Pekka Säikkälä, views the planned strikebreaking with great seriousness.

“If they use strikebreakers, it is something completely unique. Then, they have crossed all boundaries. That’s the sort of thing that happened in Sweden in the 1920s and 1930s,” he says.

He refers to the so-called Saltsjöbad Agreement, which, when it was established in 1938, laid the foundation for the Swedish labor model and how employers and labor unions interact with each other. In that agreement, employers, for example, pledged not to use strikebreaking.

If Tesla were to do it nonetheless, the conflict would quickly escalate, according to Veli-Pekka Säikkälä.

“If they begin with strikebreaking and actively support strikebreaking, they have mobilized the entire trade union movement against them. It’s not just about LO (the Swedish Trade Union Confederation), but everyone. Then, the substantive issue becomes even less important. They will have attacked something we have agreed upon with employers in this country since the late 1930s. We take that extremely seriously,” he says.


Yeah, this shit needs to be stomped down hard, because the second other corporations see that it’s become socially and politically acceptable to engage in strike breaking they will do the same, and it’s goodbye consensual labour relations model.


Yes! What hopefully will happen is that all the other unions will join. The LO (the Swedish Trade Union Confederation) member unions will absolutely join. If Tesla continues with their scabbing, even the less militant academics unions might join in.

This is the first time a union is calling a strike against Tesla anywhere in the world as I understand it.