Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

Sure Elno, join the New Theranos movement! OpenAI is somehow worth ~$90B while burning vast amounts of money, looking for a profitable application worth dimming the lights in a sizable country.

Another VC/Valley Bro stock scam.


Elon Musk touts ‘real-time access to X’ as a ‘massive advantage’ for his ChatGPT rival Grok—after threatening to sue Microsoft over using Twitter data for AI training


Can he be sued by the Heinlein Estate?

Another article claimed it was based on Hitchiker’s Guide (despite being named after Stranger in a Strange Land?).

Maybe Musk needs to be reminded what will have happened to Sirius Cybernetics.


It almost seems like he’s actively trying to get sued here*

(*still feeling just raw stupidity though)


He’s just following Thiel’s example of ripping off Lord of the Rings.

Valley Bros consider anything not nailed down to be their for the claiming.


Smaugs all.

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ah yes. the old, when something isn’t profitable throw more money at it to make it look valuable. maybe he can replace tesla keyfobs with twitter too


Some more tidbits from the union fight against Tesla in Sweden. There are from several sources and news outlets reports that Tesla has tried to scare and threaten workers from joining the strike.

There is a “report” making its round on the english speaking internet (at least among elonites) that states that the strike is a failiure for the union and the workers have turned out to work. The “report” is based on a blog post from a member of Tesla Club Sweden who visited one workshop just outside of Stockholm where he saw people working. Funny how he got access unlike all others. Reading real news from serious sources makes it clear that this is of course a bogus claim. I seriously can’t get my head around how someone can worship a rich guy and a car brand to this level. Really, it is OK to think that a Tesla is a good car. But to tailor all your personal beliefs and bending reality to fit around it? Get a real religion instead!

Turns out that 8.7 billion SEK that i stated in a previous post as IF Metall’s strike fund is to low a number. Also, Tesla is now meeting with the union. Something they refused before the strike. From DN (swedens largest and together with SvD most prestigous newspaper):

IF Metall continues the strike against Tesla – with a strike fund of more than 10 billion at its disposal.

“It’s based on a prolonged conflict with many members. From that perspective, this is a very small strike,” says the union’s CFO, Ulf Andersson.

IF Metall initiated new negotiations with the Swedish subsidiary of the electric car giant on Monday, led by mediator Kurt Eriksson. The goal is to establish a collective agreement.

The union, with 240,000 members of working age, wields considerable economic power. They can quickly release well over 10 billion.

“When we calculate it, we assume that the money should last a long time for a really major conflict, and we haven’t had one of those in a very long time. In that perspective, this strike is very small,” says IF Metall’s CFO, Ulf Andersson.
-How much compensation does a member receive while on strike?

“Our bylaws state 80 percent of the salary, but the union’s board can increase it if there are special reasons. In this strike, it’s 100 percent,” says Ulf Andersson.


Surprised it’s taken this long, especially since I think the integration was (ab)used to get generic web browsing.


I don’t expect this petition to do anything to EM’s Nazi bar, but at least it shows opposition.

In case you don’t know who these arseholes are:



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Lots of closeup pics from automotive journalist Daniel Golson who happened to spot an (apparently) production-quality cybertruck in the wild over the weekend. I’m not a car expert but daaamn that’s some shoddy-looking craftsmanship. If this is what the company is letting the world see then what did the bloopers look like?


In the matte black it looks even more like something from a low budget 70’s sci-fi flick.


He’ll just slap on some plastic molding to cover the mistakes.

Tactical plastic!


On top of it looking absolutely horrible, i’m pretty sure it’s extremely dangerous too with all those pointy corners.

So i googled it and got this.

Oof :smile: