Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)


Elon Musk told Joe Rogan that you can power the entire US with 100 x 100 miles of solar

Just checking how near to reality is that?

It pains me to say this, but he’s not wrong as such.
The sun is a giant (although small in comparison) fusion reactor that has been running for ~4-5 billion years and is good for another ~5 billion1), and throws more energy in our general direction than we could possibly ever use.
No idea whether the 100 X 100 miles bit is accurate. I don’t do miles and can’t be asked to do the math right now.

1) It will go all Red Giant some time sooner though and swallow the entire Solar system.


Tesla Cybertruck no-resale clause vanishes faster than a Model S in Ludicrous Mode

Tesla’s threats to sue Cybertruck buyers who resell their vehicles appear to be nothing but hot air, with the language removed from the Musk-owned automaker’s terms and conditions just days after it appeared.

As we reported on Monday, Tesla’s Motor Vehicle Order Agreement terms and conditions [PDF] were updated to add a section that specified Cybertruck buyers had to hang on to their vehicles for a year before trying to resell.

A new version [PDF] spotted yesterday is identical save for the Cybertruck language; luckily for El Reg readers, we snagged a copy of the old terms [PDF] in case this exact thing happened.


Actually pretty close- but it turns out that just generating the power is easier than the hard job of distribution , storage and matching grid demand.


… just remember 10 miles ≈ 16 kilometers

because miles are decimal but km are binary :crazy_face:

Yeah. 160km of solar is not going to do that part.

Also don’t forget his home solar installation business was nothing but a giant fraud. The cases are still going through the courts.

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Oh, we’ll find a way.

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Arguably, a society that has the the resources and to build a Dyson sphere wouldn’t need to bulid one.


What’s all this about need? Humans want stuff.

we’ve got the vacuum already covered so we are well on our way


Linda Yaccarino, the X chief executive, said in a post on the platform on Thursday that the company was against discrimination.

“X’s point of view has always been very clear that discrimination by everyone should STOP across the board,” she wrote on Thursday. “I think that’s something we can and should all agree on.”

Musk: ”Hold my beer!!”

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Well, the unions in Sweden are kicking his ass.


White House criticises Elon Musk over ‘hideous’ antisemitic lie


Taking at face value that the “Team Wear“ clothing protects against damage to the new paint, how’s it going to work with union stickers or buttons on it?

Permitted so long as no one did it?

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Apple pulls ads



And of course the RWNJ are praising him.

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