Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

Behold: a cheesy knockoff of a terrible idea.

It’s like someone saw all those Michael Bay Transformers movies and decided it was a time for a GoBots revival.

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Let’s try…

160×160 km² = 25.6×10⁹ m²

1 m² of solar panel, at 20% efficiency and standard test conditions, generates 200 kWh/yr (source: WP).

The total production will then be:
25.6×10⁹ × 200×10³ = 5.12×10¹⁵ Wh/yr ≈ 5000 TWh/yr

The annual electricity consumption for the U.S.A. is about 4000 TWh/yr (source: statista.com).

So, on a purely theoretical standpoint, the math is sound enough.
Not that this makes the idea any more practical with the technologies we have today.

Also: this seems akin to peddling hyperloop and company as transport solution, with the only result to hinder development of cleaner energy sources here on earth to pursuit solar pie in the sky dreams.


is there anything he can’t do? :slight_smile:


Under Trump, the 5th Circuit is becoming even more conservative | The Texas Tribune


He seems unable to be anything but a huge piece of shit… also, he sucks at most of what he does. So, yes. There are many things that he can’t do.

What seems able to push lots of bigotry and hate out into the world… I’m not sure why anyone would find that admirable.


i’m begining to think she means that word in it’s most basic form… the platform doesn’t discriminate between hate speech and any other kind of speech. it’s all equally good by them.

( who am i kidding. they obviously like hate speech more… )


A very relevant thing he has proven he can’t do is actually follow through on any of his promises. If you are still foolish or bigoted enough to be posting on 𝕏, don’t think for a moment that Musk is going to cover any of your bills.




is there anything he can’t do? :slight_smile:

Grow a decent beard. That’s some teenage scraggly ass facial hair.

Respect and support his children.

Build a hyperloop.

Build a truck that does what a truck should be able to do? And not look like it was designed by a brain damaged chicken?

Not suck constantly at the government teet; yet say he’s libertarian.

Not be racist.

Grow the fuck up?


Quit knocking brain damaged chickens

AI certainly “thinks” a brain damaged chicken can come up with a more useful truck.


Here’s how Tesla cleverly re-launched its Cyberquad for Kids by skirting ATV laws


“any motorized, off-highway vehicle designed to travel on 3 or 4 wheels, having a seat designed to be straddled by the operator and handlebars for steering control.”

Honestly, I’m surprised they didn’t throw more wheels on it.


Thing is, they still haven’t done anything to skirt ATV laws; they just changed the design to make it even shittier at being an ATV and are hoping that the CPSC gives them a pass (even though it still clearly meets the CPSC’s definition).


And here I thought that sucking constantly at the government teat is what Libertarians do.

While complaining about there being too much social spending and welfare, of course.



Opinion: Elon Musk's X apocalyptic moment - MarketWatch

Elon Musk says his mind is a 'storm’—and video games calm it | Fortune

Why Elon Musk can’t stop himself from posting antisemitic tweets.

There’s an ongoing ‘career deathwatch’ for Elon Musk over his opinions, says Eric Dezenhall


What’s a simple automated And Adjacency tool supposed to do when most of the content is antisemitic already?

Mann der Arbeit aufgewacht
und erkenne deine Macht!

Alle Räder stehen still
wenn dein starker Arm es will!

(Old, old labour movement slogan.)


singt dat eigentlich noch irgendjemand in der spd? soll der blitz sie beim scheissen treffen!

in other murks-news; he is on it again…

Elon Musk has said he will be filing a “thermonuclear lawsuit” against Media Matters and others, after major US companies paused their adverts on his social media site over concerns about antisemitism