Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

A “plague” that wipes out most life on Earth or destruction of the entire solar system?

It’s a hard choice. EM and his greed are capable of both. I was going for him claiming credit for technology he barely understands though.


Musk is nowhere near as intelligent at Ted Faro. As evil yes, but not capable of creating a robot apocalypse. Dude can’t even make a working truck.


The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation

The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation are the galaxy’s premiere manufacturers of computers, robots, lifts and other such essential, life-enhancing technologies. Most recently, they have fitted the starship Heart Of Gold with their flagship products.
The corporation’s ‘Genuine People Personalities’ make interacting with objects such as doors and teasmades a new and exciting adventure. Or very irritating, depending on your frame of mind.

Doors will always open politely, and it will be their pleasure to serve your entrance and exit needs. Their Happy Vertical People Transporters - or Lifts - are fitted with the most recent precognition software, allowing them to be on the floor you want, before you know you want it!

Their Nutrimatic drinks machines very rarely produce drinkable beverages.

The corporation’s complaints department now covers all the major land masses of the first three planets in the Sirius Tau Star system.




Tesla drivers run Autopilot where it’s not intended — with deadly consequences

Dash-cam footage captured by the Tesla and obtained exclusively by The Post shows the car blowing through a stop sign, a blinking light and five yellow signs warning that the road ends and drivers must turn left or right.

Tesla says DMV disregarded ‘Full Self-Driving’ lie for so long, it should be allowed to keep going

Apparently, Tesla believes that there’s a statute of limitations on misleading people about self-driving capabilities.


More specifically:

The Marketing Division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation is a bunch of mindless jerks who’ll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.


It was revealed on Tuesday that the FCC would not give Starlink nearly $900 million in subsidies to expand internet services across rural America, with the Commission claiming that Starlink had “failed to demonstrate that it could deliver the promised service.”


Can Musk get any more pathetic? (Probably yes.)


jfc. this is getting…she looks like sam lowrys mother from brazil…I know, I know, but the urge to mention her apperance coupled with her mindset shes displaying here in regard to dystopian satire was just too strong.

thank. you.

e/ oh noez;

After FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr protested* the decision and accused his agency of joining a “growing list of federal agencies engaging in the regulatory harassment of Elon Musk” with Biden’s approval, Musk’s mother also complained to Biden in a post on X.

who the fuck is brendan carr?

Appointed to the position by Donald Trump,

oh. riiight. (godda be fucking shittn…un-fucking-belivable…)

*on shitter, no less.


giphy (31)


But safety experts said that, while the recall is a good step, it still makes the driver responsible and doesn’t fix the underlying problem that Tesla’s automated systems have with spotting and stopping for obstacles in their path


@suavefucker; perfect.

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Unlike Elon; at least she tries to support her children.


I guess so; “tries” emphasized.

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Recently the youtube channel Extra History released a 5 part video on the life of Henry Ford and the parallelisms are quite there, even if unintentional. Ford had a limited education and even though it was a brilliant engineer and had initial good luck finding himself people who covered its weaknesses, at some point his success went over his head and started truly believe that he could solve any problem.

It did not help it was a racist, either, so his ideas for “solving everything” sometimes… well, inspired other people.

I think Musk is currently on that level of side blindness: he thinks he cannot do wrong. Except at least Ford has good things to its credit - even if we could argue that he did them for the wrong reason… I’m still waiting for the “good things” Musk brought us.

Side Note: I would argue that George Lucas followed a similar -but limited to movies- path, in which yeah, he’s a brilliant director, but also had people who could fix its excesses and blindspots -some people credit much of its initial work to her wife’s editing skills, and I tend to agree they are better paced than the new ones- then success happens, and he decides he does not need people “limiting him”. What is the worst than can happen? Cue the monkey chase scene in “Indiana Jones and the Crystal skull”.


But I don’t think that Lucas was a antisemitic asshole, who pushing conspiracy theories into the public sphere… so… I’m not sure that last comparison holds up so well.

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Google translate:

Tesla lobbyist tried to get “audience” with minister

Tesla tries to influence the Swedish government in the middle of the conflict.

In an email to the Labor Market Ministry, the company asks for an “audience” with responsible minister Johan Pehrson (L).

But the government nods to Elon Musk.

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why the eff would you bring up lucas in regard to musk of all people?!? why?!?

…still is. :wink:


A new toy combines the AI engine behind ChatGPT, the voice of pop singer Grimes and a plush exterior to create a stuffed animal that can carry on endless conversations with a kid.

Why it matters: The product is part of a swelling wave of products that embed AI capabilities inside physical objects. It just happens to be among the first — and fuzziest.

How it works: The $99 toy from Curio, a 4-person startup based in Redwood City, Calif., comes in three models: Grem, Gabbo and Grok, which is the one that speaks with a digitized version of Grimes’ voice.

What could possibly go wrong?