Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

Lucas destroyed the original trilogy with the 20th anniversary remakes, so I made my life goal to diss him whenever possible :laughing:

I know youā€™re reading this Georgeā€¦ we did not need a dinosaur shitting on a java in A New Hope, you hear me? WE DID NOT!!! gets dragged down to the psychiatric ward by two burly men wearing jar jar binks masks

Itā€™s only for the ā€œblinded by successā€ part. Honestly I am grateful he used his money to do things he love without bothering more than a couple rabid fans. At least as far as I know.


It now has two people inside. Twice the computing power!


I cant fucking stand the word unveils any moreā€¦ :face_with_spiral_eyes:


But the toy has no relationship with Muskā€™s AI start-up, which also is called Grok. Curio holds the trademark on the name, and the two AI products are totally unaffiliated, Curio says.

So he called his AI Grok out of spite :woman_shrugging:


doctor who GIF


Iā€™m Grokā„¢!

Hoping for a trademark spite fight.


Hereā€™s my question: will an insurer insure a potentially deadly, non-crash-tested, 3-ton bundle of glass and steel panels and right angles that can get to highway speeds from a dead stop in under 3 seconds?


Sorry to follow up the side path but no. I donā€™t think he was. He was a brilliant second unit director, not a director you want handling the talent. You can write this shit George but you canā€™t say it.

His first few films were edited by his ex wife and when they split up he had no editor capable of fixing his shit. When he revisited the well made Empire Strikes Back (he didnā€™t direct) he went and took the scene, stuck it in a postbox somewhere off centre, and added a full screen of digital clutter and distraction around it. Because he could.

Now I donā€™t mean to say he had nothing about him, read the transcript of Spielbergā€™s and his spitballing to come up with Indiana Jones and he clearly has it, a thing I will never have, but heā€™s not a good director. Not at all.


Thereā€™s a race track near here which has fairly regular classic and vintage car racing. These vehicles are often valued in the millions of dollars, and include winning cars of various racing series and historic races. One racer/owner, not a professional, dropped that his insurance for the weekend, just the one race, was about $10,000 ā€“ a 60ā€™s Ferrari GTO IIRC.

The point being, no matter how stupid, even if youā€™re trying to drive a 50+ year old ā€œthat belongs in a museum!ā€ car as fast as you can around a bunch of other ancient vehicles, possibly dubiously maintained and almost certain to break down at some point, thereā€™s someone out there who will run the numbers and, for enough money, insure you.

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Sure, someone will insure anything for enough money. I guess my subtext was, will the premiums on this vehicle be so high that only the richest and most dedicated Elmo-campers will be able to afford it? $60,000 is by no means cheap for a car but itā€™s also not supercar prices; presumably thereā€™s a big chunk of the market for the vehicle who still cares about things like total cost of ownership. Will that make the Cybertruck essentially out of reach for a significant portion of the target demo?

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well see about that; from 2025 on. maybe. big maybe.

My English is far from perfect. I just got that she thinks people actually care that Alex Jones got back on Twitter.


As CEO, she is basically admitting that X is dying. It is literally her job to say as strongly as possible that X is not dying at all, but she canā€™t even do that.


Well, one easy fix for this would be moving to Afghanistan.

ā€¦ sheā€™s a model ā€” like for real, still, at 75, and sheā€™s probably a more interesting person than her son is


jajaja, I got that and knew that, jeeezas! I meant in particular this shot from the article;


and no, dont wanna meet here, wikipedia was quite enough for that, thanks very much.


uhmā€¦wouldnt know about that, I mean;

ā€œI am the mother of @elonmusk. His goal is to make this world a better place. @POTUS wants to stop himā€¦Have you any idea how furious I am? People in other countries are proud of Elon and do not understand the US Presidentā€™s motive. Please, tell me how I should answer them.ā€

Ah. I get the Brazil references now.

Whereā€™s the plumber to sort this out?