Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

it’s deliberately stylized make-up. and probably meant for being seen from a distance. more over, literally every human has bad photos. it’s frustrating to say the least this is what people are judging her on.

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its not a bad photo. I just saw it and ida lowry sprung into my head*; with all the implications about “helping” her adult son. I thought it to be quite funny in a nice, sick way; like brazil. thats. it. if I would judge her, then on her ridiculous statement she gave, not her looks. which I actually do.

*and I said her apperance, not her look…damit.

it might be worth considering whether the connection is with terry gilliam’s unfortunate views, rather than anything it says about the woman in question.

gilliam chose to portray older women in a particular light, and that same framing is now in the public consciousness, being applied to musk’s mother.

that’s how these things propagate unless we take a breath, and choose not to carry them forward

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Similar issues with American Graffiti, one of my favorite movies. That movie worked because of the editing and the cast doing all the heavy lifting. Lucas provided the initial impetus, and was on set pointing at things and doing stuff, but the movie wasn’t a success because of his directing, it was because he was surrounded by competent people.

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I honestly didnt know about gilliams shit-statements regarding metoo; well, fuck him for that.

it was applied by me in this forum and that doesnt makes it right away public consciousness. she seeks the public, she is loaded and she advertised her position in a way, which made her -in my eyes- as full of shit as her son is, at least in that moment she made that statement, which triggered in combination with the photo my fucking male-nerd-brain-part which houses my film-library. maybe I am in that particiular case a stupid white male who doesnt get shit, you tell me, I dont know. what do you want from me?

e/ goddamit!

she looks like sam lowrys mother from brazil

Im such an asshole! I apologize,@gatto, I am truly sorry.


this is


One wonders just how abysmal her and her husband’s parenting style must have been, that an overgrown male version of Veruca Salt is the end result.

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That’s libertarian child raising for you.


Of course, sometimes good parents still have their kids grow into shitty people.


This is true; however, I am hard pressed to believe that Musk’s parents ever tried very hard, especially when they had all that wealth and unearned privilege.


Daily fail but still…

I was told that people on Springer Show are just doing impro. But I would pay to see this episode. AI Jerry and all.

Forward, into the past!

Back to the future?


Not so much a crumple zone as a steel shrapnel zone.


My first thought was “Wow, Mary Berry’s had a hell of a glow-up!”

That’ll do, Grok. That’ll do.


That’s unfortunately entirely plausible, yeah.