Fuck Today, Continued

It also has Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars and that’s forgery too. Actually it’s full of forgeries and bullshit. Billy boy didn’t know PEZ was fake in 1991?


On top of the pending hurricane?

Sorry, SoCal.


I felt the earthquake even though I’m 75 miles SSE of the epicenter. I thought maybe I was experiencing hyperglycemia because I had a small bit of cake and felt a small shake. :sweat_smile:


calling @knoxblox , please check in when you can. be safe, you and your kittehs.
so wierd, a florida man worrying about a hurricane over Baja, but i do.
and to all the Happy Mutants in the path of Hilary, be safe, damn it! hurricanes ain’t to be underestimated.


BBC News - Hundreds of migrants killed by Saudi border guards - report

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If it’s supermarket type brands then it’s going to be a bit dodgy. If you’re using it not to cook get a bottle from a good deli. But general cooking oil I get from the supermarket. They single out Italy for fake oil but don’t forget that Spain had the worst fake olive oil scandal. Many now believe the real cover up was not the rapeseed oil but organophosphate poisoning from tomatoes - I don’t know enough to have a real opinion on this but even if it was olive oil it hasn’t happened in a long time.

And I don’t care about how Italian is the be all and end all of high end olive oil - not everything has to be Tuscan (I’m lucky, I get Tuscan olive oil sometimes from a friends family grove, they queue up like everyone else in the village to get it pressed). I’m very fond of Spanish and Greek too.
I also get oil from a friends grove in Sardinia pretty regularly.

Baena is a beautiful southern Spanish DOC if you are looking for a solid recommendation. It’s fruity rather than peppery. I tend to get Greek at my local butcher when I don’t have any friends’ oil for my salads. It’s a good price and dark green and fragrant though I can’t remember the regions and varietals though they are on the bottles. They would be €10+ for a 500ml bottle as distinct from supermarket brand extra virgin which would be €5 for 500ml or €4.50 for a generic 750ml. Both of those would be unnamed blends of dubious provenance.

I’m stupid lucky I manage to be at the receiving end of olive oil generosity.


Guess I should befriend someone who has an olive grove! :weary:

I’m in the U.S. so I often go for ones from California, hoping that our FDA or whatever is keeping an eye on oil-mixing shenanigans.

Thanks for the Spanish brand rec, I’ll try to find it!


After three years of dodging it, I tested positive for COVID today.

And I’m on holiday, so my plans are now completely stuffed.


10 days out and feeling human again. Just need the damned fatigue to ease up. Fully vaxxed and relatively healthy, it was still a beast. Rest, fluids, listen to your body. And patience! (That’s the one that always gets me.)


Come on, NZ, be getter than us. KKK shit was never funny and sure as hell does not need to be exported. Considering the history of NZ and its own native inhabitants, this does cause me concern. Especially that it wasn’t taken more seriously.


Hey Nashville, you doing OK? Got something going on? Something for the Special Session that opens today?


This is perfectly normal. We live in a perfectly normal country with normal things happening… /s


Sorry, you’re right to go for fewer food miles. I had some excellent olive oil in Mexico and I’m sure that it’s there in other parts of North America. Hopefully someone with NA knowledge will fill in.


We all know the motivation for this. Matthew Yglesias et al.

I got a forward yesterday with info on a (foreign) missing person, and relayed it today to a friend who is from the same town. Got an immediate response that literally seconds ago the missing persons was reported as found dead in their expat community. We’ve both been in shock for a while, and haven’t found any official record.

It baffles me a bit how viscerally the news hit me.
I didn’t know the person in question.


angry the simpsons GIF

Fuck Target!

“However, as we navigate an ever-changing operating and social environment, we’re applying what we learned to ensure we’re staying close to our guests and their expectations of Target,” Cornell added.