Fuck Today, Continued

The funeral home characterized it as “advanced skin slippage.”

Oh, God

I’ve seen this, but only in bodies pulled from the river after floating for a time. It is not a rapid process. WTF was done here? Abusing a corpse is a crime still, is it not?


Raising the cost of Prep means about a third of people don’t pick up their prescriptions.

“### Lawsuit challenges ACA preventive care coverage

Dean and Joshi said they are concerned the Texas lawsuit, brought by six individuals and Christian-owned businesses, could hinder access to PrEP.

The lawsuit, Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra, argues that the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that insurers cover preventive services at no cost to patients is unconstitutional. It also argues that requiring coverage of PrEP violates Braidwood Management’s religious rights.

In March, a Northern Texas district court judge ruled that the requirement was unconstitutional and a violation of religious

rights. The federal government appealed the decision, and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issued an administrative stay, that insurers must continue covering preventive services at no cost while the case moves through the court system.”


Who would Jesus kill?


Angry Oh No GIF

I really wish Jesus would come back, so he could read these dipshits the riot act
 maybe go smash up their businesses like we know he’s done at least once


jesus GIF




I’d love to ask what religious beliefs Braidwood Management hold that are being violated. Because it seem to me that providing health care (especially if it comes at no cost to the company) seems to be pretty :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:-ing on-brand for people worshipping a God who famously healed the sick, the dying, and even the dead!




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It doesn’t say whether it’s North or South Myrtlewood - so either Brewerytown/Strawberry Mansion or Gray’s Ferry/Devil’s Pocket neighborhood.


A group of skydivers jumped from a hot air balloon floating over the Arizona desert just moments before it crash-landed Sunday, leaving four of its remaining passengers dead and another person critically injured, police announced.

I learned during the previous eruption that the Met is known for calm, even language
but this doesn’t sound good for Grindavik (especially the new information in the uodate Jan 15 at 15:30)

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Papua New Guinea has implemented a two-week state of emergency after failure to reconfigure the nation’s payroll system for government employees sparked riots that resulted in multiple deaths.

some people were paid half of what they were owed, and even the police went on strike. ( the passive language doesn’t say how people died: might have due to the troops they called out )

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Some of them were, it appears, looters who got themselves trapped in buildings that other looters were burning down. By other accounts, the people who weren’t rioting and looting couldn’t look for help from the police, because the police were among the people rioting and looting.

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No idea. Don’t ask me wtf is going on but I can’t imagine it’s not horrifying.

Most tea bags are made from plastic, either nylon or polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Research at McGill University: one plastic tea bag can release 11.6 billion microplastics into a cup of tea.

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Now do K-cups! I have a suspicion they are even worse, just by having to punch through the plastic container.