Fuck Today (Part 1)

While waiting for the bus after work today I realized I had dropped my right glove . . . somewhere. I had it this morning. Maybe I had it when I left work? Didn’t have time to go back and look for it. My warmest pair of gloves, and one of only two pairs that aren’t still in storage–and I lost half of the other pair a few weeks ago. One of my grandmas used to knit mittens for us kids with a connecting cord to string through the arms of our jackets so we couldn’t lose them; clearly I still need that :weary:

And my sweetie was supposed to be coming home tonight, but the weather where he is (Wisconsin) is much nastier than the weather here and he might not make it home until tomorrow.

Petty shit, but I am suddenly so tired and wanting to lie on the floor and throw a fit like a toddler.


Did you lose the same hand from each pair?


:laughing: I walked away to check right before you posted that. As a matter of fact I lost the right of one pair and the left of the other. Problem solved! (One is thick black fleece, the other is brown leather. Gonna look pretty silly!)


I’m more interested in who the next Dread Pirate Sanders is going to be. The new Dread Pirate Sanders is going to be the one who gets Trumperdinck.


It never fails. I spend all autumn dithering over whether or not I’ll need gloves this winter, then in winter realize I don’t have any complete pairs of gloves, and then when the weather really gets bad none of the brick and mortar stores carry my size.


Dare we ask? Mine was promising if I’m delusional, whole next set of paperwork to gather and submit…


@piratejenny: now I don’t feel so bad, since I’ve almost lost a glove twice already this year and tend to lose at least one each winter! :wink: I’ve been thinking about either crocheting a long string or safety - pinning my gloves to my coatsleeves.

@jsroberts and @LearnedCoward: I freaking love the Princess Bride analogies. :smile: :heart_eyes:


Health insurance issues, or birthday?

Insurance: figured out a work-around that isn’t great, but do-able so that I don’t lose my onco, etc. and will have some mechanism to avoid having no lifetime cap.

Birthday: friends threw me a great little party. Just got home, in fact. Homemade cake, lots of great conversation, really wonderful.

So I guess this isn’t the right thread for my response!


Yay! (and happy birthday, btw)

It’s something [head nods to side, slight shrug]




I’ve been having health insurance problems too. I shouldn’t be, but I am. It’s all about taxes - I arrived in Germany in 2014 and had quite a bit of trouble getting the hang of the tax system here. I was in communication with the tax office quite a bit and made a number of mistakes, but eventually answered all of their requests and thought that was it. As it turns out, there were two yearly summaries that I was supposed to hand in, and I only submitted one. I wasn’t told about the second one until 2015, so I completed that one. The the health insurance checked my tax records and sent me a surprise bill for over 8000 euros, since the tax office hugely overestimated my income for 2014 and that’s what the health insurance uses as a basis for my monthly premiums (generally this is a great system, but not when it’s based on an income almost double what I actually earned). I seem to be having a double conversation with the health insurance at the moment - in person, they’re very understanding and say that it will all be smoothed out soon. By mail, they keep reiterating the same demands and have told me that I can’t use the insurance after Monday. This is a particular problem as my son is on my insurance, and he’s had bronchitis/pneumonia three times since September. I’d pay the money and hope that the process gets sorted out soon (which it will, although I may have to pay a much more modest amount), but I just don’t have the money at the moment. While my income is clear from my 2015 report, I’ve had to pay a higher monthly premium until this is sorted out.

On a more positive note, it looks like we’ll be getting our deposit back soon. The deposit money should have been kept in a bank account and left alone until we left the house, but our landlord used it to renovate the house before he sold it. Fortunately the house has sold (which could have taken months longer), and we’ll be getting our deposit back as soon as the money is handed over. If we do end up having to pay the health insurance fees, that’s at least some of the way toward covering it.


So I get three weeks of garbage and (literally) shit into the back of the van and head over to the transfer station. Which has a sign reading “closed at noon due to the storm”.


When I was still shoveling.


Cat peed on our brand new comforter and queen sized mattress. Found her very very lethargic sitting where she peed. $700 later (two visits and two rounds of testing) still no idea what is wrong. Cat will be fine I am sure – her leg is bothering her but not broken. Just pissed about the new mattress and the $700.


Seems like my bank card got skimmed.

So that’s hundreds of bucks taken out of my account while I sort this shit out.

Merry Christmas, thieving scumbags.


In the interim maybe use socks on your hands.


Trump is still president elect… Only one more day until the Electoral College fails to do it’s duty…


This Hamilton elector thing confuses me. On the one hand, I don’t want Trump to get elected, but on the other hand it sets a very dangerous precedent. Suppose a Bernie Sanders style Social Democrat got elected. The electors could just as easily say “this person’s a socialist, which means they’re a communist, which means Russia owns them! We need to get rid of them!”


Either the EC is a stupid anachronism, in which case it should be removed, or it’s a safety valve to protect the state (which it will fail at).

All it does right now is screw with what the people want and reduce non-white voices.


A Syrian refugee who I know has been taken into hospital with breathing difficulties.

I’m hoping it is just a panic attack (not that panic attacks aren’t serious, but the other possibilites are far worse).


He’s in hospital with now. He has an infection that he hadn’t been looking after.