Fuck Today (Part 1)

This happened just up the road from us, and there are a few points that bear noting. First off, I am not going to totally blame cops for this, as he actually did come out pointing a long gun at them. The fact that it turned out to be a pellet gun is immaterial, this was clearly suicide by cop. I feel for the officers who he chose to be his executioners. Where I feel outraged is this:

Peyton said Hill had started acting paranoid, frequently calling 911 to report break-ins. Hours before the standoff, he reportedly went to a hospital but was not admitted, she said.

He had sought help at 2 different hospitals in the area, but was turned away due to lack of insurance. And this was the outcome. His mother had died, he had his children removed, and he had a mental breakdown (yes, I do have inside info, but no, he is not a patient and I do not know him myself) He tried to get help, but could not due to financial issues. This is the result. We have a seriously fucked system.


This sucks. It always seems to hit closer to home when it hits literally close to home. Our system is so fucked. So many of us just seem to be “disposable” in it. His poor kids :pleading_face:


Bingo. It’s profit that matters, not people. In a freakin health care system! GAAAAAAH!

It’s maddening.

I’m sorry doc, that really is too close for any sort of comfort.


We worship money, not human life in this country.

But you knew that, all too well.


mad the rock GIF


Just going to cut and paste warnings and go out and get away from the news for a bit.

WARNING: This story contains details some readers may find distressing.

Support is available for anyone affected by their experience at residential schools, and those who are triggered by the latest reports.

A national Indian Residential School Crisis Line has been set up to provide support for former students and those affected. People can access emotional and crisis referral services by calling the 24-hour national crisis line: 1-866-925-4419.


Remember that wrong Soviet genetics idea, Lysenkoism, that acquired traits could be passed on to descendants?

As it turns out, through epigenetic inheritance, some things can be, and not good ones.

tl;dr: We Are So Screwed! (The audio has the full damage bill.)


How are things going?


Just add it to the many many ways we have labored long and hard to make our only habitable planet not nearly so much anymore. We are a blight on creation, but the only blight capable of recognizing and correcting it’s impact. If only we would.


There will be more. Probably a lot more.

The government was already receiving reports at that time that up to 50 per cent of children were dying in residential schools, said Blackstock. Statistics showed that students in residential schools were dying at rates between 24 to 69 per cent. Bryce was sent to study what was happening.

In 1907, Bryce submitted a report critical of the health conditions in residential schools. He blamed the federal government for negligence that led to the high death rates.


Yes, there will be.


St. Paul’s Cathedral, in Saskatoon.


Not everyone is denying the blame.


The national press in the UK just erased Trans+ Pride in favour of the anti-vaxxers protest :angry:

At least there is Pink News to cover it.


Ah, yes, ignoring the voices of the marginalized and oppressed to once again give voice to a bunch of half-wit bigots…

Angry Aubrey Plaza GIF by Parks and Recreation


Fuck this motherfucking heat. It got to 104 today, 104 is forecasted for tomorrow (given today’s forecast of 99 I expect it to be even higher), and 109 is forecast for Monday. Like much of the Seattle area, I have no central air and the portable ACs that I do have aren’t doing jack shit. Fuck this shit so much.


Is the city setting up cooling centers? Visit some AC if you can, like the library. Draping a wet towel over a box fan can also help.


Only in low humidity. No use if evaporative cooling is not an option.


That sounds brutal. Hasn’t been quite that hot here (yet), but we’re in the same boat in Maine re:no central air. We (personally) don’t even have window units. When it’s been high 90’s for days on end the only thing I’ve found than helps is having a long, cool soak in the bath, if you have time. We also do a lot of management in those times, like opening everything up at night and putting box fans in the windows to flush out the house, then closing it up and drawing the curtains in the morning to try to preserve what little bit of coolness we got and reduce heat gain for a few hours.
Good luck, try to stay cool.


Remember the days pre-pandemic, when you could go to the movie theater? Thanks to all the idiots.