patriot prayer heads back to portland, police say they won’t get involved, mayor says: hey people, choose love.
what could possibly go wrong?
watch out portland peeps
patriot prayer heads back to portland, police say they won’t get involved, mayor says: hey people, choose love.
what could possibly go wrong?
watch out portland peeps
and it unfolded exactly as was obvious. physical fights, multiple shots fired ( thankfully nobody killed ), then white supremacists driving around terrorizing a neighborhood while shooting paintballs at people out on the street
took the gunfire to get the police to even show up. unlike literally any and every black lives matter protest that ive heard about in portland
don’t click play or go through the twitter thread unless you’re ready. it’s terrifying to hear and see gunfire and violence like that.
Billy Connolly has been an ever present part of my life. My grandma saw him perform at Culzean Castle back when he was a folk musician who told funny stories between songs, this was before the Humblebums or Parkinson. She took my mum with her, then told her that this was too rude so she was given some money and told to go to the cafe. The people running the cafe had other ideas though, and kept the windows and doors open so they could hear the show even if they couldn’t watch it. He got at least two new fans that day.
Entirely effing preventable.
To the surprise of nobody but still an utter tragedy. What a fucking mess.
Meanwhile, state-sponsored sadism inflicted on Palestinians continues.
The panels were confiscated at the height of the blistering August heat, which in the Jordan Valley can go as high as 40 degrees Celsius (about 104 degrees Fahrenheit). A great deal of sadism is required to leave dozens of people, including the elderly and children, without electricity in the summer heat of the Jordan Valley. It takes a large helping of hardheartedness not to postpone this at least until fall. But when the Palestinians are non-persons and the goal to expel them from the valley is clear and firm, there’s no place for humane considerations or compassion by the Israeli occupation.
Stuff like this is hardly a surprise to me, and I know that the tankies are going to downplay it, if they don’t just go straight to denialism.
It feels like every week I have some Maoist tankie trying to persuade me that they have changed and are supportive of LGBT+ people, then get abusive when I don’t believe them. They have no answer when I ask what happened to the homophobes and transphobes who were active in their groups ten years ago.
Well, fuck.
This week:
I just don’t know how to deal with this conglomerate of stuff, and thus write it down to think about it while typing. I’ll try to sleep now, and meditate on how allowing emotions comes to and go while I just lie here and register them.
Also, I want to burn down something. Maybe Rome. I should go visit Rome. And take a Lyre.
Unless that’s a baby, that’s pretty weird.
Maybe they’re walking to his house…
i ordered a new refrigerator in may, and still don’t have it.
i think companies used coronavirus as excuse to cut labor. they have been trying to keep labor costs just as low while business ramps up hoping they can pocket that margin. meanwhile many are failing miserably at their core business
As people start to go back to doing the things they did pre-covid, the arseholes think they need to make up for lost time.
Yes, I am a Carlisle supporter, and Hartlepool have been our rivals for the last 90 years (Carlisle’s first ever professional league game at home in 1928 was against them and Carlisle won 8-1, still a record for both teams). There is no excuse and never will be an excuse for this kind of behaviour. We seemed to be making progress on getting rid of football hooliganism until about five years ago, now everything is becoming shit again.
I hope they find and ban the people responsible quickly, we don’t need their support. Bans tend to be enforced across the Premier League, EFL and National league as well as by local non-league teams, and because of Carlisle’s location on the Scottish border I’m sure the the SPFL will ban them too.
It won’t make you feel any better, but there are shortages everywhere right now. At work, lead time for standard components like UHV valves and cable connectors is usually two weeks at most; right now, it’s stretching to six months or longer. We’ve resorted to buying things off e-bay so that we can make our shipment dates.
Going back a couple years, there are supply chain disasters that are exacerbating the impact of worldwide virus response and which, combined with the big chipmakers stockpiling materials and the shady employment practices you reference, are at the root of the problem. Cold comfort I know, if you can’t wash your clothes or keep your food fresh.
that’s my exact problem! my fridge no longer has cold comfort to give
( i’ll see myself out. i guess… )
actually, my current fridge is more or less holding it together so far. i just wanted to get ahead of that looming day when it’s ancient self gives up the ghost. i so rarely pre-plan anything, and i felt like this time: ive got it… and then this wait
that sounds like no fun at all. and probably expensive
( eta: the cat emojis on the bbs turned very scary a few months back. not for the faint of heart. )