Fuck Today (Part 1)

Piling on with the hugs started by @manybellsdown! We’re rooting for you!


I volunteer to help. Can I help with forms, reminders, internet checkups, advocacy? Basically anything that doesn’t give you more work?


I already have friends helping with the form filling in, it’s the PTSD flashbacks from going over how I got PTSD that I am struggling with. It’s very draining, and I can’t remember when I last had a good nights sleep (December to January would be a good guess though).

It’s times like this I should be playing video games, but it’s also the hardest time to start a game.


I’d totally hug you platonically IRL too ( just as long as you don’t smell bad.)



How do you feel about fermented stuff and cheese?



I’m tryin’ to make a friend here!

The Gumbys of the BBS would love to spoon platonically, but Prof. Enid Gumby (aka @OtherMichael) put a tax… on all people… who spoon platonically…


Oh… ok, I get what you meant now. Thanks. I actually understand both of your explanations. I had sensed a bit of the thinking behind your list items, even before your translation of it here.

I have the impression you are made of sterner stuff than I*, because I just plain couldn’t make myself get along in the corporate world, which certain can have its financial stability advantages under the right conditions. For IT workers in Austin, the churn rate is pretty intense. My partner will be 60 years old next year. He has a ridiculously huge skill set but will not accept contracts in the corporate world that pay rates at the 20-something entry level. He has however trained plenty of those to take over his job and then been promptly cut from payroll as soon as those training wheels can come off his far cheaper replacements. He’s a tough one too. Sterner stuff.

At my last corporate gig, it wasn’t the way I had to dress (though it felt like drag), or the tasks I was expected to complete. It was my betters’ dysfunctional behaviors and sociopathic games, typically condoned if not rewarded in the corporate environment, that became too much for me to take.

The question of our age.

Certainly The Question, sine qua non, that human beings have been attempting to tackle successfully long before doomsday preppers were a thing… before there was a written language system for us, surely. How long have we asked ourselves this question? I wonder if Australopithecus afarensis spent time thinking along these lines, and not just reacting to whatever was an immediate threat.

My first fallback usually is ol’ [Tim Leary’s advice to “find the others.”]
I work and play hard to cultivate beneficial networks (including one’s own gut biome).
I try to maintain a modicum of situational awareness.
I try to find a lot of stuff to laugh at or laugh about.
When I’ve had a truly awful day, I try to go to bed early. (Restart retry redo…)

The savings account thing is a good idea. It’s not easy for our fam right now, and that’s kinda stressful. For me, permaculture has some good answers in the curve ball preparation department. And I am good at growing things.

I wanted to leave this relevant poem here.
It feeds something in me. Something human.

Trigger warning: it’s poetry.

For the Children
by Gary Snyder

The rising hills, the slopes,
of statistics
lie before us.
The steep climb
of everything, going up,
up, as we all
go down.
in the next century
or the one beyond that,
they say,
are valley, pastures,
we can meet there in peace
if we make it.
To climb these coming crests
one word to you, to
you and your children:
stay together
learn the flowers
go light


Be well, y’all.

(pictured: Solidago canadensis aka goldenrod, the tincture of which we use for our allergies)

*Though I probably have you beat on the unmedicated childbirth labor and delivery fronts. Not a fair competition though until men are able to get pregnant, labor and deliver a child the way women do.




Pretty sure he was making a joke and reference to that very post? No? It is late and I’m sure @subextraordinaire can speak for themselves… and now I think I’m over thinking thing and over stepping my bounds? OK too much brain time for sleeps.


I am about to hit the sack too. Brain also not working well… g’night Gracie…


You can speak for me anytime, my friend! :relaxed:


Yeah, that was the point. But you’re very sweet. I loved the hug you gave to @japhroaig!


There is only one response I can give.
Fuck. Yeah.


Not as much as I did :blush:

I feel like this is one of the most constructive conversations I have been a part of. We are all strangers and most will never meet. But we hold each other up because we are, to a one, good and honest people.

There isn’t a single person here I wouldn’t carry in real life. Today… today is a good day.

(Mic drop)


This is a stupid rant, but … why the hell is there no Minecraft-esque bedding available? I have an obsessed 15-year-old stepson, and literally all I want is something with a pattern of green squares and there’s nothing, unless you custom-order it for $100+.

I mean, he’s a teenage boy, he’s going to end up sleeping on a bare mattress with one blanket regardless of my best efforts, but I can’t even find that one blanket.








…from a compassionate conservative.


My data analytics prof added some questions to the final that related to stuff we never even went over in class. What the hell, dude! The only solace I can take in potentially tanking the final is that I did well enough on the other tests that I should still get at least a B in the class. Jeez, now I’m not sure whether this shouldn’t be in the Victory! thread instead. :confused:


That last one I wanted but it’s only available in the UK. Getting it shipped to America ended up being prohibitive. I think I’m just going to have to make one. I sew, but I don’t quilt because that requires too many straight lines and I’m not good at that.

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