Originally published at: Fugitive, once chief-of-staff to a Maryland governor Roy McGrath shot dead by FBI | Boing Boing
Innocent people don’t flee before their court date. The coward wasn’t even under house detention, he was free to go about his normal life. But this man, this criminal ass wipe who ran away and abandoned his family after being fired for his sleazy activities, is now already been held up by the dipshit conspiracy nuts as "assassinated by the FBI because of what he knew about… (insert some random dumb bullshit here that circles back around to Trumpitis and all that jazz).
One article mentioned it might have been self-inflicted. But, if one of those agents claimed it, don’t necessarily believe it.
You’re missing the patently obvious party affiliation.
And of course the governor to whom he was chief of staff was a Republican.
apparently he was in his car at the time. i don’t understand why police can’t wait people out in situations like this. ( okay, i understand why they don’t. i don’t understand why we don’t require them to. )
also this:
He faced a maximum sentence of more than 100 years in prison if convicted on all counts.
yikes. it feels rare to read about times that large for something like embezzlement. one wonders if with a more proportionate conviction looming, he might not have run
Oh, but he’s “one of the good ones” as he criticized Trump once… /s
A crook, but not a fascist crook.
It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that an entire chocolate bar was recently consumed in a me-involved eating. The matter is still under investigation and no further details are available at this time.
Shot himself 37 times, he did.
In the back. He was very flexible.
If you prefer Mussolini to Hitler, you’re still a fascist
While the most likely scenario was that he was murdered by law enforcement because that’s just how they do.
He was a suspect in a white-collar crime. Even if convicted, he wouldn’t have gotten the max sentence unless he’d cuckolded the entire prosecutorial team, male and female. He must not have noticed the climate of elite impunity that’s grown up in the US in the last 50 years - if he’d just played along he probably had a good chance of a very modest sentence.
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