Furiosa: The Mad Max prequel that's worth the 9-year wait (trailer)

I am so looking forward to this. Mad Max is one of my favorite dumb popcorn munching franchises.

I mean, where are they getting the fuel from? Who is still refining it? Drilling for it? Transporting the crude from the drilling site to the refinery? Where are they getting spare parts? What are they using as currency for transactions? Barter? How many chickens do you need in order to pay for a car? For 10,000 gallons of fuel for your marauders? Where does the food come from?

Who would just ditch a bike in the desert, as if they are still being manufactured? Where did all those bullets come from that were streaming over Thor? How is she maintaining and powering that awesome cybernetic hand?

So many questions, no good answers, and I can’t wait to see it!

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